MovieChat Forums > Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension (2015) Discussion > Why make this camera and record their se...

Why make this camera and record their sessions?

I thought the idea of a camera capable of capturing the otherwise invisible spirits dwelling among us was pretty cool.
But why would the cult people feel the need to see this dimension if they already believe in it and are hard at work harnessing supernatural forces? And to make recordings of it all?

...and Mrs. Taylor sure seems to use a lotta ice, whenever he's away


Plot hole, they didn't even explain where it came from and why it can see spirits.


Sigh, that is not a plot hole. Please learn the definition of a plot hole.


They said the camera had been altered, custom made, by someone. I dont think it said who. Maybe the man training the sisters? I would assume that they (the cult) wanted a record of how toby came into this world since they worship him. Hes like their god so maybe the recordings are like their bible. Thats just my take on it.


Hmm, even so, they still should of explained where it came from, just lazy writing, sigh.


It's not lazy writing man. It's a found footage movie. And like most of them, we don't get everything explained to us. If that is what you want, go watch a disney mvoie.


I'm a die hard PA fan, but this was no PA installment, let alone a finale. It was paradoxes and plot holes with CGI hands exploding out of chests, it was a parody more than anything.


I just wanted to say I love your signature! One of my favorite songs!


Thank you! It's one of my favorite lines in any song.

...and Mrs. Taylor sure seems to use a lotta ice, whenever he's away
