MovieChat Forums > Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension (2015) Discussion > These movies have completely lost their ...

These movies have completely lost their way

The first PA was so good because of its simplicity. A normal couple being stalked by some unknown force in their house. They didn't know what it was, all they knew was it wanted to hurt them.

By PA 6 we now have involved Cults, Time travel, psychic witches, brainwashing, other dimensions, Magic cameras, portals, full physical representations of the Demon who now has a name, a mission, and basically its own facebook page ffs, this has just become a bunch of over bloated nonsense.

Please no more of these movies, just stop.


Honestly, the biggest scares in the first film weren't even the jump scares. There were a couple jump scares, yeah, but they didn't account for literally every single scare in the movie. The scariest parts were the ones where it was subtle, barely noticeable stuff in the background that really got you going.

"Ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?"


I pretty much refuse to refer to the demon as "Toby".

He's just "The Demon" to me.
Moderators are terrorists.


Toby or not Toby, the question is whether you find him interesting. I found him way too familiar.


Agree with OP. What made the original so frightening (to me at least) was that it just seemed this was an unlucky couple that got caught with something sinister in their home.

The franchise started going downhill as soon as the debt needing to be paid was mentioned in PA2.

This series was much more scary when you could just insert yourself into Katie and Micah's shoes and be like... WTH did we do to deserve this?? And how would we handle it?


I love this series because of the direction it's taking.

That being said, I did lol at the facebook page comment.




The only part I really don't like is the magic camera. I found that to be kind of silly. But other than that, I don't find the other things to be too absurd. I kind of find it freaky that the demon is powerful enough to cross into multiple dimensions and manipulate time. That is a pretty good addition to the story although it may not be scary. The first film is the scariest because it feels the most realistic.

My problem is that no normal human could overpower the demon or the coven, though. The first time I watched Paranormal Activity 4 I thought that Robbie was Hunter (a Damien Thorn like character) and Wyatt was his opposite; an angelic, Christlike child who is a supernatural force of good. The more I think about it, the more I think that should've happened. What this series needed to end it off was a force of good who actually had a chance against the evil. Maybe a force of good could defeat the coven/demon and set free the imprisoned souls of Katie, Kristy, Hunter, Leila, etc. The series shouldn't have ended on a cliffhanger like it did. It should've had some sort of resolution.


By PA 6 we now have involved Cults, Time travel, psychic witches, brainwashing, other dimensions, Magic cameras, portals, full physical representations of the Demon who now has a name, a mission, and basically its own facebook page ffs, this has just become a bunch of over bloated nonsense.

you forgot "timey wimey wobbly wobbly stuff." I kept expecting the Doctor to show up any moment.

7even days


I agree. Probably should have stopped at 3. The witch coven or cult in that one was a natural progression and wrapped up the story pretty well.
