MovieChat Forums > Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension (2015) Discussion > PLEASE HELP!!! Human Toby Can't Haunt A...

PLEASE HELP!!! Human Toby Can't Haunt Adult K&K & Clean Satanic Symbols

There are major plot holes ...the glaring one is IF Toby is human in 1992 how can he possess or haunt Kristi or Katie later in their adulthood?

More so, how can he be in demon form in Leila's room in 2013?

As a parent, if you saw those symbols on your child's wall and knew that they were satanic used for a doorway...would your priority to be to Clean those off?

All in all this movie did have a few good scares but when a movie such as this is supposed to be linked and connected as it is lead for us to believe it can't have those MAJOR plot holes. I felt like I was trying to super glue branches together to build a family tree and I kept running out of glue....

Thoughts anyone!! Please!!!


Wow, my exact thoughts.

I know! It makes no sense at all.

They didn't clean the symbols after realizing that they were basically the key hole to a demonic time portal, they didn't even take the footage to the police, they let their daughter get close enough to Toby to the point where he has complete control of her, don't even try to ward Toby out of the house with natural methods like burning sage or saying a Prayer through the whole house, the mother even had a Bible of her own, yet she didn't even think to actually USE it against the Demon? And how could she refuse to believe it at the beginning when they had actual FOOTAGE of Toby in Leila's bedroom, this family was not smart at all!

And even after the damage he caused, compared to what happened in the previous films, it was VERY mild, like, most of his terror could only be seen through the spirit camera, it's like he wasn't even the same Demon that haunted Katie and Kristi, there was no levitation of furniture, no demonic shadows being cast on the walls, no loud footsteps, no dragging people out of rooms, didn't even have the same Mythology as the previous films established, like the Witches making a deal with Toby for wealth and fortune in exchange for Hunter which is HOW it started in the FIRST place! If no deal happened, Why does HE even NEED Hunter?! where the hell did he even come FROM if he wasn't summoned to the Coven years ago? And it's hard to believe that the previous families and characters were unable to get as much research and information related to Toby's Origins and Agenda as this family did, Ali and Alex only discovered that Katie and Kristi's grandmother made a deal with the Demon and has returned to collect Hunter and the virgin sacrifice ritual that Hunter must undergo to prove himself to the Demon by killing his sister, and don't even get me started on The Marked Ones, just ignored the ENTIRE Mythology established in the entire film except the time travel paradox ending that destroys whatever logic this movie had left, where did it all go wrong!

That's exactly correct, if Toby gained human form in 1992 which are specifically the girls preteen-adolescence years before the first Paranormal Activity movies began, that means Toby COULDN'T of possessed Kristi THEN Katie to get Hunter when he already had him in 1992 BEFORE those movies even happened, it's like, What. The. Fu**...

This movie really needs a remake, a proper finale with it's original screenplay writers and editors, with a better cast that actually can show SOME intelligence like the previous families did, but it clearly won't happen, this was definitely NOT even close to being the finale of Paranormal Activity.


maybe he jumped back to 2013 so he wouldn't disrupt his time line


Totally the worst movies ever, if you caught a crazy demon on camera manifesting in front your daughter, why the F+$* would you continue to live in the house?


The pastor said the demon hunts people not houses,no need for them to leave the house ,the demon would follow them wherever they went ,the mom says this in the movie,for them to leave the house and the pastor said the demon would follow them
