Short on women?

I don't generally pay attention to this kind of thing, but while scanning through the cast I noticed there weren't many women. Out of 36 credited roles that are listed, only 3 are female. I realize there's a military aspect to the movie that might explain it, and - who knows - maybe in a post apocalyptic setting we'll revert to the hunter/gatherer model, so women won't be out n about as much and this movie highlights that. It'll be interesting to see how it plays out in the film.


Yeah, noticed the same thing and don't think there's any excuse for it anymore. The lack of women in film is getting quite absurd.



If the end of the world ever does happen in our lifetime, I hope "feminists" like you are stuck with a group of women. Can anyone on this board actually think of a real life female that would be able to take care of herself and/or defend herself or others? Yes women are portrayed as total badasses in Hollywood, but do any of you actually know a girl that could take take down and reassemble a gun, or hunt for food, or defend herself from anything?
I value the women in my life, and that's why I protect them, but get real about the whole "there's not enough strong female characters in this movie crap"


Thank you. Especially for adding the part about valuing and protecting women. People who argue againts feminists are always mocked as haters of females. Quite the contrary

You know, there aren't enough strong women in Hollywood. And there aren't enough weak, stay-at-home men in movies either! I demand more films about dads cooking and doing laundry, because we're just as good at that as women are at hunting, by God!


This comment has to be a troll.


Who cares?

It's not as if a movie must have a significant number of females in the cast to be good.

Look at Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World; zero females, awesome film.


"I Drank What?!" - Socrates


It't not like men are needed all the time to be in good films either----look at SUFFRAGETTE, or FOR COLORED GIRLS,or SILENT HILL--no males in the leading roles, and all good films (the second one could have been better, though.) THE HUNTSMAN had major roles for most of the main female characters, despite the male lead---it was still good,though. Same goes for the THE HELP and THE SECRET LIFE OF BEES---mostly all female casts, and both good films---(though I had my issues with THE HELP,too.)


Grow a pair kid. How many Marines are female? You SWJ need to go out and stop being allergic to sunlight, shave that neck beard, and try to get laid.

Don't get hurt kid. I'm not your daddy, I'll beat you senseless.


Who would you have switched out to be a woman and the movie been better off for it?
