MovieChat Forums > Masterminds (2016) Discussion > What Year was This Filmed In ?

What Year was This Filmed In ?

I could be mistaken and/or have a bad memory, but I could have sworn I saw a preview for this years ago. I mean like 2012 or 2013. I know it is not entirely uncommon for a movie to be delayed a year or so, but is 3+ years possible?


It was supposed to be released last year so probably filmed in 2014.


Looks like it should be straight to VOD.


It was supposed to be released sometime last year with previews on TV and everything but then the studio went into bankruptcy..


I figured they did re-shoots to make Mckinon's and Jones parts a bigger part of the movie after they were cast in ghostbusters.


I doubt it. Their parts in this were not very big. They're only in a few scenes.


The studio was in bankruptcy.


They knew this movie was a dud but that's why they went bankrupt in the first place. Execs that green-lit stuff like this movie.


Yeah, it has been a long time ago but not as long as you were thinking. I also remember seeing the trailer around that time and had forgotten about this movie until I saw it in the listings this week. The trailer debuted March 27, 2015 before Will Ferrell's & Kevin Hart's movie 'Get Hard'.
