Not THAT bad?!

Simply posting here for the people like me that want to see this outta curiosity, if not just for the cast and strange delay in release: see it. It is precisely what it is meant to be; a farce, a comedy, a playful twist on a true story. This was definitely one of Zack's more fun roles? As a southerner, I got a kick out of his accent, pretty entertaining. Katie McKinnon distracted late entertaining. Kristen Wiig & Leslie had great characters & played them well. For me, the highlight of this movie was definitely Jason Sudeikis and his portrayal of a twisted but loyal killer for hire. There is something about him that I have always found oddly attractive & this did not change that opinion? If anything, it solidified it!
Go forth and enjoy this light, silly comedy that does exactly what it set out to do: make fun of itself and make us smile a bit.


liar, you lead people to hell.
