
The movie has no rating. Could anyone tell me how the movie is as far as inappropriate things for kids? The trailer alone has 2 moments that are mature. Would you call it PG-13 or R or what? Or better yet could someone tell me the worst part/s of it? Thanks IMDb people. I appreciate it.


I'd say it's mature the whole way through. Sex and swearing. Over 14 I'd say.


It would get R for language and sexual references throughout. There's no nudity or actual sex scenes.


Jeez, are you acting like this when you're about to sleep with a woman? Just watch the damn movie! No need to make researches beforehand.


That's rude, maybe the OP is asking because they have a kid who likes Selena Gomez and wants to watch the movie?


So? Where exactly is there a problem anyway? Just look at the rating, and the warnings, if you feel confident, show the damn movie. No need to make a thesis...


This movie doesn't have a rating, which is why they asked. 😐 No need to be a jerk about it. 🙄


I would agree with the others...it's officially rated TV-MA; which translates to an R rating. Netflix recommends it for viewers 17+, but I'd say overall, it's not intensely inappropriate or graphic.
There is frequent swearing (lots of F-bombs, which would be one reason for the MA rating) and a fair amount of sexual jokes/innuendos. If you have a teenager (15 or above) I think it would be fine to let them watch. It's not a children's movie, though. If you do have a kid who loves Selena, "Wizards" would be a far better choice. I do believe it's still on Netflix, too. :)
