Excellent Film

I enjoyed this so much.

It's one of those movies that made me feel enveloped in the story.

So much intrigue, so many great scenes. And very intelligent.



I agree thought it was a really good watch, not to happy about Ewan ending up in priz at the end.

There's only two things I hate in this world, intolerance to other peoples cultures, and the French.


Great flick. Mixed emotions about the end.


Ditto. Not really sure Brendan deserved what he got at the end. Made me end up disliking the main character.



But at least he had something to look forward to if he ever got out.


When the big man died of the gut-shot I was really upset.

There's only two things I hate in this world, intolerance to other peoples cultures and the French.


I agree. Great story, great acting. I really enjoyed it.


Yes agreed I felt all the emotions great flik.
Only nagging part was the cgi gun fire which cheapened it slightly.
Ewan I was a bit skeptical about but he shone through, will definitely watch again


Awesome movie 9/10
We have one life; it soon will be past; what we do for God is all that will last. Muhammad Ali


I agree with everything the OP said.


Yes I agree it as well, a nice movie. Lately I'm watching many awesome Aussie and Kiwi movies.

You guys should check it out 'The Little Death (2014)' if you had not seen it yet.

You better know what you want to do before somebody knows it for you -The Astronaut Farmer


One big cliche from beginning to end. One question, why did somebody serving a 6 month sentence get sent to a maximum security prison? A laughable maximum security prison at that.


One question, why did somebody serving a 6 month sentence get sent to a maximum security prison? A laughable maximum security prison at that.

I was wondering that too. The intercom in the cells was unexpected as well. I just chalked it off to "maybe thats how it is down under".


One question, why did somebody serving a 6 month sentence get sent to a maximum security prison? A laughable maximum security prison at that.

Finally, and thank you. I was looking for a thread or at least a comment.

Because that was my first thought when I heard his sentence; one year, but out after six months. So why put a guy of 19 years with no previous record in a prison with, as you say, maximum security? It wouldn't have happened anywhere, not from where I come, and hardly in Australia either. In all cases, an open prison.

And it's a film so filled with clichés, it's almost as you would think it's deliberately just a huge a flirt with the genre. I mean, the title only?

But despite all this, I can't help to like this film. It's a flick and if you don't take it too seriously, it's not too bad. Brenton Thwaites delivers and I guess it helps to cast one of my favourites Ewan McGregor who's outperforming the other characters. And I think it's safe to say that Alicia Vikander is here to stay.
