
I could not take this movie seriously :D.
Every time the bagels were mentioned my friend and I internally lost it, too hilarious.
"I knew you were innocent, because the bagels were still warm. What kind of man buys warm bagels, and then goes to kill someone" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!

They should call the sequel: Taken 4: Who took my Bagels?


T4K3N: B4G3L5


LOL Yeah Forest Whitaker was treating it like a traveling art exposition.

Lose the Game!!!!!!!


I couldn't stop laughing either. When Forest Whitaker was eating bagels and then when he was like, "Who buys warm bagels then commits murder?" If you think about it the two major drivers of the plot were bagels and yogurt.


Ironically that was similar point by OJ's defense team. OJ took his kids and Kato to McDonald's earlier the same day he was alleged to have committed double murder. The line went "Could a man who took his kids to McDonald's hours earlier have murder on his mind?"


that's funny me and my friend were making a ton of jokes about bagels aswell after the movie.

LOVED the end and cops groundbreaking logic with the whole thing

WHAT kind of guy.... get's nice fresh warm bagels... then kills his wife?
it didn't add up see....


They should call the sequel: Taken 4: Who took my Bagels?


Although I laughed every time Forest Whitaker took a bite of the bagels and slowed down his chewing as he thought of the case, that line actually seemed to have some relevance to me. If the bagels were found to be stone cold, for instance, then I'm sure the officials would've come down on Mills like a ton of bricks on suspicion that he had murdered her wife. Such a scenario would prove to the feds that he was in fact at her house hours prior to the crime.

But because the bagels were still warm, that reason alone seemed to be the primary deciding factor to determine that Mills had actually arrived after the fact, and because of his timing, there would be no possible way that he had committed such a crime.


At first I thought Neeson got Whitaker hooked on bagels. Then came the explanation at the end lol


Murderers don't buy bagels. They buy donuts, as in Pulp Fiction.

A dope trailer is no place for a kitty.


A bagel is very similar to a donut though.


Mills confesses to the cop that he went to the Russian dude's apartment, killed him & his entire security team. A few seconds later he asks if he's free to go. The cop says you're free to go. The cop then tells him he knew he was innocent of his ex-wife's murder due to the warm bagels. Translation: If you are still watching this movie after an hour and 50 mins of poorly written scenes & terribly edited action sequences, then you deserve to be force fed this ridiculous ending that makes no sense. Oh, and we're also gonna slap you across the face with these warm bagels.
