MovieChat Forums > Taken 3 (2015) Discussion > How old was the daughter from start(part...

How old was the daughter from start(part 1) til end (part 3)?

Was she is high school or college in part 3?


I believe she was in college, because she got her driver's license in Taken 2 and she was living with her boyfriend in Taken 3.


Who waits until college to learn how to drive? Lol


that's what i said. wasn't convinced in taken 2 that she was still in hs learning how to drive a friggin' camry. she looked like, 30.


She looked like 30 in the first movie (when she was 25)...

It's a shame that she wasn't killed off in any of the three movies.


She looked old enough to be the Liam Neeson's characters sex interest in the film, if there was one. I have seen leading actors his age involved with a lot younger looking women than her.


That's extremely insensitive. There are a lot of people in this world who don't learn to drive until later in life. Sometimes the sheer ignorance and lack of empathy on these boards astounds me. What kind of privalaged, uncultured person believes that everyone's lives are the same?


Quite true. My daughter turns 30 next year and doesn't drive. In fact she just recently re-acquired her learners' permit and now wants to get her drivers licence but until now she has had no real need. Public transport has satisfied her needs so far. It isn't cheap running a car, after all.

When I said I wanted to be a comedian, they all laughed at me. Well, they're not laughing now!


Mannnnnnn......I came here to post the SAME EXACT thing. She looked OLD in this film. Like 30-35 old.


Chill out. You're being OVERLY sensitive. considering most people get their learners permit when they're fifteen, yes, it IS weird for a college graduate to just be learning to drive.


Do you have any more buzzwords, because if you throw a few more in the comment is going to buzz so much its going to take off.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


I know that driving age is earlier in US, but here you can only legally drive from 18, and 18-19 is when most people start college, so that makes sense.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


I think she was like 16-18 in the first one.
