MovieChat Forums > Project Almanac (2015) Discussion > People Wouldn't Disappear Meeting Their ...

People Wouldn't Disappear Meeting Their Past Selves

The entire Universe is a series of vibrational entities. Each 3-D perpendicular temporal dimension, aka frozen moment in 4-D time, vibrates at different frequencies otherwise there wouldn't be a progression of events, and everything would happen in one moment. In addition we are constantly traveling five dimensionally into near identical parallel Universes. So when you meet your past self the Universe treats it as a different person since they are vibrating at different frequencies due to being from a different temporal dimension, and another parallel reality. There's no odd feedback loop, and vanishing act!


But all those things are yet still theories, still unproven right?
We still have no definitive theory about how time actually works, and the same goes for alternate realities/infinite universes (multicerse).


spelling error the last sentence, multiverse was the sentence.


Why don't you make time machine then?


Have you met your past self?


Hi, my theory is that in project almanac the writer creates a non-parallel universe. Thus, they r traveling the same timeline and same dimension. Meanwhile the 5th dimension doesnt exist in the movie project almanac, so they vibrates n poof disappear.

Although i agree with your theory as the classic sci-fi :) and i do believe we r living in parallel universe too


Since our Omniverse is about calculating all mathematical probabilities it's probable a unique Universe could exist in 5-D Hyperspace free of a Multiverse. In such a Universe you would have the paradox scenarios portrayed in many time travel movies. History constantly re-written as numerous time travelers mess with the timeline. People blinking out of existence, and new people coming into existence left, and right. Empires falling, and rising at the whim of one person. It would be chaos to an outside observer but to those living within that reality they wouldn't notice anything out of the ordinary. Theoretically that chaos could be going on in our Universe as we speak.


The movie is just flawed. If you go back and write on yourself, the smiley face shows up on your neck... but the new memories after things are changed don't show up in your brain, or however you want to put it?

The only way I could rationalize this 'feedback' problem is if the memories did show up. You see each other and continually create new memories after each new instance, creating that sort of feedback loop you get when speakers and mics do essentially the same thing.

But the movie doesn't seem to want to work that way, and instead doesn't make sense within any sort of rules it might set for itself.
