She "loved" him all along, but wouldn't kiss him because he acted imperfectly when she wanted her perfect moment at the wall. Then decides since he ruined the moment for her, he isn't "the one" and starts being all cold towards him. No matter how hot a girl is, if she has that mindset just walk away, they are nothing but mindf--ks.
I thought this was really stupid too. Everything could have been avoided so easily if David had just taken her aside privately after travelling back to the present and said something like "Hey, so we had a moment at lollapalooza... I got awkward and chickened out, but I really like you...".
If she'd carried on acting cold towards him after that, he could have stopped wasting his time. In fairness I guess he sort of did try talking to her, but it wasn't exactly in private or the most convincing thing ever. Plus we'd only have had half a movie if he hadn't decided to go back.
Exactly. He should have just talked to her and told her how he felt. She was only acting that way because she liked him and was embarrassed because she thought he didn't like her back.
When he tried to fix it by just talking to her though he managed to screw up even worse, explaining himself by insulting her in the process. He basically called her a brainless party girl. After that there weren't going to be any more chances to fix it except by going back in time.
Yeah, I thought the way she acted was very spoilt and childish. If she truly liked him she would still have wanted to be with him.
When they were arguing in the lane, and he told her to keep her voice down because people would hear them talking about the machine, and she said she didn't care about that, she really showed how selfish she really is.