MovieChat Forums > OXV: The Manual (2014) Discussion > Movie left me with so many questions (sp...

Movie left me with so many questions (spoilers here)

I am about 3/4 the way through the movie. I understand about the frequencies and what happens when the low and high get together. But it looks like the kids aren't tested until they are about 8 years old. Is that when the frequencies manifest? What happens if kids get together before then? For that matter, what happens when adult strangers get together? No one wears signs. How do the adults recognize to stay away from each other?

Why did Marie have the pills on her birthday? Was she going to take them to commit suicide? She couldn't have been feeling depressed because she, supposedly, didn't feel. Or were those the pills that she was supposed to take to make her more normal?

When Theo and Zak are trying to recreate what happened during their pill popping session, why didn't they remember the music was on? They recreate everything, but forget the music. I would have thought that was important. I remember that Theo's father also was able to help Zak play music on the piano.

Also, that principal/teacher was a real bitch. I can't believe how mean she was to Zac.


If you are about 3/4 the way through the movie, then watch the remaining 1/4 and you can answer at least one of your questions.



For that matter, what happens when adult strangers get together? No one wears signs. How do the adults recognize to stay away from each other?

If you'll notice in the movie, the colors that they wear can showcase their frequency. For example, Zak wears a lot of red (low frequency) and Marie wears violet (high frequency). Thus, the color that people wear from the color spectrum represents their frequency. When Zak walks across the room going pass the different frequencies to get to Marie, you can see the spectrum.

"This is supposed to be a happy occasion. Let's not bicker and argue about who killed who."


Also, before adult Marie gets on the train, she waits for a man sitting on the train to notice her and run away before she gets on the train. If it's not clothing color, then I think they can just sense polar opposite frequencies.


The frequencies don't determine what is likely to happen when two people get together. It is merely a measure of how likely people will connect in the first place. Olivia and Zach pushed the boundaries of this idea for about a minute every year as a study because they and the other prodigies understand the theory much better than the average person.
By the time you see Theo's revelation at the end of the film you realize that none of that matters anyway.
