The Film was at Heart a Diatribe Against Determinism
This is film, which takes place in an "alternate world," shows what it would be like if our own world didn't have free-will. That's the core of it--it's a diatribe against determinism with the smirking prissy Theo Strauss playing the role of a sneaky Satanic type character who, like all evil men, enjoys controlling others. It is essentially a world where a devil can be, and does end up being, king while his father sadly walks away in the last scene knowing all is lost. There are hints this may happen early in the film when Theo doesn't take his piano lessons seriously (the music is specially made to prevent mind control) and instead does the opposite and works on figuring out the patterns of the universe so he can control and manipulate them. It's a very intelligent movie that reminded me in style quite a bit of another great modern mind bending film called Primer.