An ironic goof?

Maybe this should be in the goof section, but... The basis of the conversation at the end between Theo and his father was that Theo supposedly knew ahead of time what his father would say in their conversation. The irony is that his father DIDN'T say those things in their conversation. In the conversation he foresaw, his dad said those things. But in the conversation that actually occurred, Theo said them. I kept waiting for his father to point out that by Theo playing both sides of the supposedly-foreseen conversation, he had just proven randomness and free will.


I noticed the irony/mistake in that scene but I don't think that implied anything like free will. It only implied that he was wrong.



The point is that Theo's father knows that Theo can see (and MANIPULATE) the actions of everybody.

Even if Theo is mistaken, Mr. Strauss is convinced that he can't do anything to avoid Theo's control, and that's why he leaves "defeated" without a fight,



Not really sure what to think about Theo. Is he "sinister" in any way? Or just disagreeable with his father? Does he control anything or just mimicking the others (finger tapping). He did manipulate Zak but not through the book, but through his own actions. And he DID help him apparently selflessly.


I kept waiting for the father to pull a gun and kill Theo. Now, that would be irony.


I kept waiting for the father to pull a gun and kill Theo.

My goodness, don't we just jump right into the dark abyss.

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