MovieChat Forums > OXV: The Manual (2014) Discussion > the infinite, divided by zero

the infinite, divided by zero

the dynamics of polar opposites. Zak vs Marie, Theo vs Dad, Chaos vs Order. Theo had finally solved the equation of the universe, but what is the answer? an infinite paradox that can never be solved? or some beautiful simplicity? music is made of harmonies, or the matching of frequencies at specific ratios. no matter how far apart, or where the notes lie, there's always a harmonious relationship that can be found. achieving equilibrium (at which Theo IS, in himself) of the frequencies sure makes everything resonate together, but then there can be no music, no drama. as to my title... does Theo "become" god, or has he always been, predetermined? or does his solution reveal the ultimate truth, collapsing the universe? perhaps, the unknowable that *almost* became known, but cannot - as that moment is the singularity when & where (infinity/zero) = 1? I'm just babbling now really, but I better stop before I end up in the psych ward again.


"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another theory which states that this has already happened."
- Douglas Adams

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Chipping away at a mountain of pop culture trivia,
Darren Dirt.


"I'm just babbling now really, but I better stop before I end up in the psych ward again."

I'm already here, waiting for you.

Just because you solve an equation doesn't mean you fully understand. Theoretical knowledge, even if proven true mathematically is still different than experience/experiencing.
