One benefit of this remake is that the 1960 original is that it could increase the level and intensity of its action sequences .
The two big action sequences in the 2016 version are worth the price of admission: The first standoff of the 7 against the bad guys holding the town prisoner, and the final battle in which(perhaps unlike the original), it is made clear that this is actually a "war battle" in which one Army is far more staffed than the other. Granted the 7 "even the odds" with dynamite, but we still see that 7 being hired to take on 200 is a bad bet(as in the original, not everyone lives on the good guy side.)
The increase in action and the casting of Established Star Denzel and New Star Chris Pratt made this movie feel "A list" to me. It will never be remembered as the original was(with its incredible cast of stars not yet stars -- McQueen, Coburn, Bronson, Vaughn -- joining Yul Brynner and the rest), but it used the sturdy framework of the Kurosawa original and the 1960 Western remake for an entertaining new version.
And remember, in between the 1960 Magificent Seven and the 2016 Magnificent Seven, we had three bad sequels and a "meh" TV series. This is the best of the knock offs.