MovieChat Forums > Belle (2014) Discussion > Why Didn't They Cast a Purdier Blk Gurl?

Why Didn't They Cast a Purdier Blk Gurl?

Like Paula Patton?

Werd 2 ur mudda, bruddafcker


like Paula Patton?


Gugu was very gorgeous. Your opinion is your own but Gugu is so naturally beautiful that it's painful to see her and not have her. Besides that, I don't think Paula Patton has the acting talent to play in a movie like this, plus she's not British. Nice trolling tho.


u say dat she is bootiful but i dare u say she look better than patton. u cant bec ppl wud laff at u. and last time i check, u dont have 2 be british 2 play british, daz why we call them actorz.

Werd 2 ur mudda, bruddafcker


You say that she is beautiful but I dare you to say she looks better than Patton. You can't, because people would laugh at you. Besides, last time I checked, you don't have to be British to play a British person. That's why we call them actors.


DAMN!!! ^^^ LOL!!!

Is the OP some1 from



TEAM Florian Cloud de Bounevialle O'Malley aka:DIDO



--- --- ---

CAPTIVE HEART:The James Mink Story(1996)

EDWARD THEOPHILUS NELSON---1st West Indian(Manchester???/Defense Lawyer)called to the English BAR(the late actor Felix Dexter---The Real McCoy had portrayed him in a court scene)

The Courage To Love(2000)


Mikey Flatly: It is extremely obvious and extremely sad that you have three different trolling IMDB accounts and are responding to your own posts on different accounts while pretending that someone else that is not you actually gives a sh*t about what you're saying. Get off the internet, you're loosing it, bud.


Daz too sad...I wudnt do dat

Werd 2 ur mudda, bruddafcker


Gugu is ridiculously pretty and she has a natural British accent. She also has big eyes like the painting. Also, Gugu is definitely prettier than Paula Patton to me... although Paula is beautiful as well.

You're obviously trolling though.


I think the cast was just fine. Paula Patton looks too old for the part and I'm sure she would have butchered the British accent. Paula's acting is good but not solid enough to nail this role. Gugu is indeed beautiful. I'm not a big fan of androgynous looking faces so I don't find Paula or Zoe Kravitz all that attractive. Few people can pull those androgynous looks off.....Tilda Swinton and Grace Jones are the only two that come to mind right now. But then some may think they aren't attractive......So beauty is indeed, in the eye of the beholder.


What the frip are you talking about?

She was beautiful.

Only Lovers Left Alive: 8
Oculus: 7
Joe: 10
Locke: 10
Blue Ruin: 9
Belle: 8


Yes, if she wuz da only person in da room

Werd 2 ur mudda, bruddafcker



Paula Patton doesn't look like the painting and not everyone can do a British dialect.


Even if you are not impressed by her looks (that's your choice), why do you assume that every lead actress must be the prettiest girl in the room? Good actresses can make audiences believe that average looking women are very attractive.


Huh? Dat didn't make no all...

Werd 2 ur mudda, bruddafcker


First off, Gugu is beautiful. She's not pretty; she's BEAUTIFUL.
I'm more attracted to Gugu than I am to Paula, even though I find Paula attractive as well.

Secondly: mikeyflatley = Robin Thicke?
She's not coming back, dude. You blew it.


Gugu is beautiful

The best things are last


Gugu is very BEAUTIFUL and a very good actress. Paula is pretty but my vote is Gugu.


Paula is overrated in the looks department.
