Belle was boring and GuGu needs more than one facial expression
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shareI very much disagree. I think Gugu gave a fine, acutely realised and often understated performance that's rich with nuance and understanding of the role. She doesn't chew the scenery, whilst the movie walks a fine line between the sartorial and theatrical aspects present in romantic dramas of this nature, whilst being wholly attentive to the racial undercurrent both immediate to Belle and outside her family circle and the position she has. This is dealt with expertly in framing the story against the backdrop of the Somerset/Stewart case and reflecting Lord Mansfield's own challenges with the law and social rights against his relationship with Belle. Had the Jane Austen-informed romance not been so convincingly handled, this aspect of the movie may have capsized the narrative and rendered the tone, mood and overall effect of the movie uneven, but it succeeds in every area and does so with genuine affection for the character of Belle and an understanding of the period. It's one of this year's best films.
To describe Gugu Mbatha-Raw's excellent, heartfelt performance as "two-dimensional" is quite extraordinary. This is one of the most thoughtful and moving films I have seen for quite a while. As the lead actress, Gugu carries the film with finesse and poise.
One facial expression? Do you really mean that, or are you trolling?
Sorry, not reading it.
If you think gugu only had one facial expression, its hard to believe you even watched the movie.
The review fixates on Mbatha-Raw's performance. I thought it was very skilful and subtle. Ambivalence is the hardest thing for an actor to capture. It's all in the eyes. She and Wilkinson were excellent.
I couldn't agree more. These days many of us are looking for movies with a creative edge, something a little different from the standard fare we've seen so much of. This movie had an interesting central plot, but the writing, acting, and cinematography were shamelessly conventional and sappy. The acting seemed better suited to a TV show than a theatrical film.
shareI didn't find it boring at all. I thought it was highly entertaining and enjoyable. The film was well written and very interesting. The performances were all excellent.
shareI liked the movie. I wouldn't go as far to say that she had one facial expression but I didn't find her that likeable. Some of the supporting cast outshone her I feel.