Instantly Smitten

Sam Reid is a total heart throb! I loved when I yelled that he loved her, it was strangely sexy...

Just look at him


I'm surprised that he hasn't been 'discovered' by Hollywood yet he's good looking and clearly has the acting chops (not to mention a very sexy deep voice)


I know! The voice! I'm melting!


I think this is how women vote for presidents.


Even if this is a demoting comment for women, I can't say that it didn't make me laugh.


That would explain Sarah Palin's fandom, then. And still, that makes women more reasonable.


I've actually been waiting for others to notice this man and I'm surprised it's taken so long.


His voice sounded so familiar. I thought I'd heard his voice in a few video games, but there are none listed on his page.

"There is no escape, John!"


I just saw the movie today and heard that mans voice and was like oh yes. Then I found out he's an Aussie, that accent paired with being deep. I may be in love.

Lonely Chicago pie


He reminds me of Brad Pitt... he has that rugged appeal

However, he looks so much better as a brunette, sorry to say


I was also quite taken by Sam Reid in this movie and was surprised that I didn't know who he was considering I knew all the other main actors.

My film reviews site:


Young Hunter Helmsley/Triple H of WWF/WWE who's persona was of an English nobleman, heel that he was.


Young Hunter Helmsley/Triple H of WWF/WWE who's persona was of an English nobleman, heel that he was.

LOL! I think you might be confusing the actors who played Belle's love interests but regardless, when the Oliver character first appeared on screen, my mind instantly screamed 'Hunter Hearst Helmsley'! He had even had a big nose. (Not trying to diss the actor's looks.)


This is what you took away from this movie???

Belle and the case before her uncle changes England forever and all you can say is that Sam Reid is hot???

I think you need to re see the movie and pay attanetion to the plot without drooling over Mr. Reid!


Simmer down! No one said that's all they took away from this movie. We were making an observation on one of the main actors appearance which was probably an integral part of people wanting to see this movie in the first place; two attractive young actors in love. You are mistaken if you think appearace doesn't help sell even the most important stories.


Both men who sought Belle, Oliver Ashford and John Davinier, were VERY attractive men! Oliver is played by James Norton and John Davinier is played by Sam Reid. I was shocked when he exclaimed to Belle's "papa" how much he LOVES her before Belle's uncle forbid John to ever come near her again. That whole sequence of Lord Mansfield discovering what Belle's been up to with John was absolutely awesome! Lord Mansfield behaved like a father would getting to the bottom of a daughter's mysterious behavior. Sam Reid was indeed hot confronting Belle's uncle about his feelings for Belle.


Sam Reid is just flawlessly a heart throb!!!!! His voice, his face, his presence everything on him yells Leading Man.....I don't see him doing more romantic movies but he is definitely super easy in the eyes!!!! I cant picture Sam Claflin as Jhon Davinier anymore Sam was the right choice.


i concur, hot hot hot and believe me if i had to make a list his looks dont come first flawless as they may be , but dear me his passion, his power of conviction , the emotion in his voice , i positively felt like melting , heck i'm still getting the chills thinking about his performance awwww

what a man what a man what a mighty good man !

"Let me not to the marriage of true minds admit impediments..." sonnet 116


He (Sam Reid) is not all that! I think that Ben Barnes would have been better for the part. He's much more attractive and would have matched well with the actress who played "Belle."

You can see him here:


Sam Reid is a much better actor than Ben Barnes. I fell asleep during Prince Caspian.

Sam Reid's portrayal of John Divinier was to die for. I find myself watching the scene when their walking behind the tavern the first time over and over again. His whole delivery and showing her he likes her is perfect. His ability to show love even through hard topics like her parents and race was awesome. This is even before he tells the uncle that he loves Belle.
