did anyone else find it hard to sympathize with Dido? *spoilers*
when it was made clear to the audience that Dido was not permitted to eat dinner with her family and their guests, Dido is visibly dejected. on first glance, i was like, "yeah, wow, poor girl.." and then... first of all, this wouldn't be the first time it's come up - Dido had been living there for what? 10 years by that point? don't you think she'd be used to it by now? of course, i don't imagine she ever LIKED it, but when that's the norm in the house where you've grown up, that's just the way things are. as a cinematic device, her visible dejection would have seemed more appropriate if it had taken place in a scene during her childhood, when she'd just arrived at the house.
but more importantly, my mind then went to, "oh boohoo. poor girl can't eat that gourmet meal in the dining room with those snooty people. poor girl has to eat that gourmet meal in a fancy-shmancy parlour wearing a fancy-shmancy dress. poor girl would have been better off being left where she had been, a mulatto child of a dead slave mother and no father in sight, who would likely have become a slave herself if she didn't die of starvation first, instead of being abducted, held captive in a mansion, surrounded by people who love her, with nothing to wear but beautiful gowns, and forced to eat her gourmet dinner ALL. BY. HERSELF." i get that it wasn't the ideal situation, and i'm not saying she deserved to be segregated, but i just found it so hard to feel too sorry for her when we know what her alternative would have been.
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