Sky Ferreira

I thought the film was actually pretty good, but something that annoyed me was Sky Ferreira. I'm not a fan or a hater of Sky, I'm judging only the acting here, but I thought her acting was the worst.
Her acting was awful or I don't know if it was the way her character was suppossed to be, all moody and filled with a "IDGAF attitude". To me it felt a little fofced.
Her look was horrible too, she looked like a junkie. I just think they could had picked a much better actress but I guess they wanted to pick a semi-known musician.


I couldn't figure out why the Kaycee character was in the movie. I guess she was supposed to provide a little more complexity to Justine by giving her a confidante outside the SJW group. But all she does is offer a little foreshadowing, warning about the charismatic leader. I was very glad that when they made the trip Kaycee wasn't along too. And she did look absolutely ghastly, worse than the red-painted Indians.


she didn't add anything to this movie except talking in an annoying, unrealistic for her age, childish, infantile, unintelligent, juvenile way. didn't that bother you also, her talking in a 16 year old way instead of a mature, college age girl way? to me it didn't make any sense and was so out of character and so not of reality. it was so jarring and stupid.


semi-known, how is she known at all? I never knew she was a singer until I came on here today. and she was so dumbly written. my gosh, she kept talking like a 16 year old girl in this movie. but she's in college. now, girls in college don't talk that dumbly or that air headly and childishly. didn't that bother you too?


Arizona state girls do #WockaWocka

I don't know who that chick is either and this posting makes me feel like apparently I'm supposed to. Lol


Having just looked her up... She's that/one of those "model, actress, singer, whatever" girls that's not particularly talented in any of those pursuits.


She was the only likeable character with common sense


Almost word for word what my husband said about her.

Light help the world! He lies in the snow and cries like the thunder! He burns like the sun!


*Newsflash*... Vacuous, self absorbed, talentless cockwomble plays vacuous, self absorbed, talentless cock womble.

"What's your name?"
"*beep* you. That's my name"


semi-known, how is she known at all? I never knew she was a singer until I came on here today


Vacuous, self absorbed, talentless cockwomble plays vacuous, self absorbed, talentless cock womble.


Having just looked her up... She's that/one of those "model, actress, singer, whatever" girls that's not particularly talented in any of those pursuits.


She was the only likeable character with common sense

LOL!!! Jokes sometimes make people laugh.

