MovieChat Forums > The Green Inferno (2015) Discussion > Anybody else witness a walkout?

Anybody else witness a walkout?

This marks the first time I've went to a movie and witnessed somebody walk out on the movie. It came right when the "fat" guy gets his eyeballs removed and legs chopped off.

Did this happen to anybody else? And if so, what scene did they walk out on?



Yup! Same scene!


I laugh when people walk out. I mean google the goddamn movie if u have to before u see it to get some kind of idea what you're going into. people are such pussies.

I really hope those people who walked out didn't get their money back. they chose to go see it.


I half agree given the fact that if they pulled up a google search about the movie or perhaps googled Eli Roth's other films or *beep* even used the common sense that if a movie is rated R(especially in this day in age) and is about cannibals; it might get a bit rough.

However, I don't think you should be so hateful. Life is short man, can't we all just, get along?



I lol'd @ ''it might get a bit rough.'' :D
OT: No walkouts here. It was only shown here in The Netherlands on two nights though, so I guess everyone knew what was coming :D

''They are shaping me into something gaudy. Something lethal.''


Me and my friend are guilty of this... We were gonna watch, of all things... Hotel Transylvania 2. But we couldn't find proper seats. So there we were, in line for tickets in front of the lady, with a good crowd behind us, and we ask what else is rolling at that approximate time. We had no idea what the movie was about, but neither of us minds spontaneity so... why the heck not. Bought the tickets. So we only googled the film minutes before we went in, tickets already in hand, and honestly we debated if we should even stay for the movie. The description and the trailers make it look AWFUL.

But you know what? It wasn't THAT bad. I don't like gore, but I do enjoy horror-thriller, and in all honesty, apart from that scene where they eat the first character... well, let's just say it could've been a lot worse.

Point is, I understand how someone could end up in a movie theater with no idea about what they're gonna see. I did it too. With this very movie. And that's okay. Walk out if it's not your cup of tea, walk out if it disappointed you (I was just about to walk out on Clash of the Titans a few years back because it annoyed me so bad I could barely take it anymore!)... Do whatever you like - your money, after all. What's NOT okay, is going to a movie theater with no idea about what you're gonna see and then whine about he content. This happens a lot when musicals come out: "OMG why were they all singing?!?!"... Grrr, that BS makes my blood boil every single time. You do NOT have the right to complain about a film's genre (musical, horror) just because you failed to inform yourself about it. Oh gods, and THEN they come home and write bad reviews and give the films bad ratings. Because guess what: people SING in musicals! Shock of the year, I know!


They probably didn't walk out because of the gore, they probably walked out because the film was *beep*


Wouldn't happen to me but sometimes people chose a movie spontaneously or the one they wanted to see was already sold out. And personally I would rather associate with someone who has to walk out when watching realistic sadistic gore scenes of that kind than with someone who can watch this sick *beep* and not feel anything anymore or even gets a kick out of it.


I saw it for free on Cable TV, and I walked out of my own place


My theater had me, two frat bros, and the people who walked out. The walk-outs were an elderly couple and a preteen boy. They left right after the plane crash. I can only speculate the situation, but I would have been curious to know what they would have thought of the film if they had stayed longer.




On Saturday I watched a young kid walk out with his dad after the first kill. Yikes!

"These pretzels are making me thirsty!"


Yes. I saw a matinee screening of the film and the only people in the theater were myself, a senior couple in front of me, and two middle aged dudes behind me. Predictably, the senior couple left. I think it was after Amy was cooked.

You can knock on Ed Wood but it won't do you no good 'cause all of my heroes are dead in Hollywood


None in my viewing. Honestly I'm surprised at so many folks in this thread seeing walk-outs. Can't imagine going to a cannibal movie and not anticipating gore.

I've walked out on a few movies in the past but only because my boredom level was so high I couldn't make it till the end.


After seeing this thread, and others, before watching the movie, I expected a lot worse. Although at points it was gory and disturbing, I believe most of the responses of disgust can be attributed to culture shock, more then anything. I recall a similar scene from Deadwood (which was a masterpiece strictly based upon the dialogue) where a character's eye was removed (to put it mildly) that I found much more shocking and gruesome.

A lot of the response comes from how much exposure each of us has had to the images portrayed. For example, as an 18 year old kid I saw Saving Private Ryan in the theater and nearly walked out during the opening scene. The imagery was so real and sickening, having never been exposed to it before, I didn't know how to respond. Thankfully, I was able to subdue my emotional response, long enough to come to terms with what I'd just witnessed, because in retrospect, I've been able to appreciate that it is a fantastic film.

It's not surprising that people walk out of a film like this that pushes the boundaries of what many of us have been exposed to, or lack thereof.


Lol saw it yesterday me and my friend were the only 2 in the show smoking my g pen then some guy came in we didn't know right after the plane crash scene and smoked my pen with us ha ha ha we made a friend watching stupid liberals get cooked and eaten could not have asked for a better Monday


While I don't approve of your mockery of Liberals, I respect that you have your own opinion on the matter(While I wouldn't call myself a Liberal I would definitely lean more towards the Liberal side rather than the conservative side)

And let me just say, that would be an awesome theater experience to get baked; especially while watching something like this haha. Were you also a bit bummed out that the mean Blonde chick died with an arrow to the head instead of the "special treatments" some of the more likeable characters got? I know I was.



I chuckled when she got the arrow to the head xD
''Sh*t's getting real now!'' is what I thought haha :D

''They are shaping me into something gaudy. Something lethal.''


Preventing a forest from being cut down is a "stupid liberal" action? You poor *beep*


Maybe he/she don't need no stupid forest, or oxygen, or a tolerable climate~

A habitable planet that can sustain life is obvi for stupid liberals~


Same thing with the same scene, except the guy who walked out of mine was a 30 year old mentally challenged guy and either his mother or caretaker, no lie


This does not surprise me. Mentally challenged people are Eli Roths main fan base.


This does not surprise me. Mentally challenged people are Eli Roths main fan base.

"I can't help but notice that there are skulls all over everything. Are we the baddies?"




I've only seen walkouts because of how bad a movie was but, never because of content.
