
This is one of the worst films I've ever seen and it was such a shame as I was quite excited about it as its been floating around for years.

First off, it's poorly acted. Across the board every actor in this should hang their heads in shame. The blonde friend at the start is possibly the wurst actress I've ever seen. And everybody else is just terrible.

Its boring, nothing happens of any interest until 45 mins in and then it's just pointless gratuitous gore.

I lasted only about an hour and ten minutes before switching the drivel off. Terrible



Partly disagree and you obviously haven't seen the Asylum movies. Do agree on the blond chick. She was the worst. Sine of the actors acquitted themselves toward the end.


Don't agree, I compared to most new movies, and especially horror it was much better


I laughed at some scenes or shots


The blondie is singer Sky Ferreira. It's just a fancy cameo.


The writing is even bad. I'm not expecting much from these types of movies, but Eli Roth put in some really cringeworthy lines. They're about to die and a guy says something about a "Scooby Doo plan" and needing to watch more Scooby Doo?
