MovieChat Forums > The Green Inferno (2015) Discussion > How can anyone justify the ending?

How can anyone justify the ending?

Where Justine lied to protect the village.

She just watched all of her friends get brutally murdered and eaten right in front of her. It's not like these people are just cannibals and knock the person out and eat them. These guys all had brutal deaths.

Especially the first guy Jonah. This guy was still alive when he was having his eyes, tongue and whatever else ripped off. After watching that, how can you protect this? She pretty much said this is okay to happen to future people who encounter these guys. That's so messed up.

Not to mention the tribe raped her and did god knows what to her.

The guy Daniel who saved her in the river, gets beaten to death pretty much by these guys. Again that's okay according to her?

Then she's just sitting there and is acting like none of that even happened.

I know she wants to protect the forest but this is too messed up to let go on.


To fully, ahem, digest this post, you need to start with an understanding of what a "useful idiot" is, because I will be using the term, ahem, ad nauseum.

A useful idiot is someone who supports one side of an ideological debate, but who is manipulated and held in contempt by the leaders of their faction or is unaware of the ultimate agenda driving the ideology to which they subscribe.

So I finally got the courage together to see The Green Inferno, and I have to first reaction was that it was pure exploitation, but on reflection, I've concluded that it's actually very well-thought out social criticism.

More specifically, I believe this film is actually Eli Roth's reaction to the BDS (Boycott-Divest-Sanction [Israel]) movement.

The film depicts a bunch of useful idiots who are manipulated into fighting a cause they absolutely do not understand by intellectually dishonest forces willing to do anything to manufacture a particular narrative.

Here are just a few of the analogues (spoilers ahead):

1. Jewish roommate of main character doesn't buy into the "cause" and even says "activism is so *beep* gay" (exactly how I feel about BDS activists).

2. Machiavellian leader of the activists is not honest about his motives, who is actually funding the expedition, and why (the BDS movement receives most of its funding from totalitarian Arab regimes looking to deflect public attention from the human rights abuses and other horrific societal inequities at home).

3. The useful idiots tie themselves to trees and place themselves in the way of bulldozers to prevent the destruction of indigenous Amazonian tribe (Rachel Corrie).

4. Organizers are fully prepared to allow one of their members--whose father happens to be a lawyer in the UN--to die--for political expediency (Hamas' strategy of deliberately provoking Israel and using human shields to manufacture a narrative of Israeli oppression).

5. The Amazonian tribe the useful idiots are trying to protect turn out to be brutal cannibals--not exactly the peaceful, innocent savages the useful idiots thought they were "protecting" from evil corporate and colonial forces (ahem, I think you get it).

6. The cannibals utilize the practice of female circumcision/female genital mutilation (FGM is still in practice in many Muslim-majority countries, including the UAE and other Arab states).

7. After returning home safe due to the intervention of the very loggers she set out to stop, and having witnessed all of her naive useful idiot friends tortured and eaten by cannibals, the main character lies about what she saw, all for the sake of the false narrative she went down there to manufacture.

I could go on and on. In conclusion, I'd have to say this is a grossly underrated film with a real message. And when I think of the victims as BDS activists who do so much more harm than good, the film becomes more, ahem, palatable.

None of the above is intended as a complete exoneration of Israel, a justification for indignities visited upon the Palestinian people, or as an indictment of all Muslims. Both sides have, ahem, blood on their hands.

But if you are only about hating Jews or Israel, here's my cock. Suck it good, you useful idiot, you.


Very sorry; I was trying to start my own separate thread--using my phone. Did not mean to post that TLDRish essay as a reply to your question. Now I can't figure out how to remove it using said phone, so I guess it's there for good. Apologies again.

That being said, my analysis may provide the answer you are looking for. If you think of the movie's ending as an allegory to the disingenuous and subversive nature of so much contemporary journalism, and the ending makes much more sense.


The ending sucked! She lied so she wouldn't have to admit to daddy she was a dummy!  Once the troops see the tribe lives their going to kill them anyway
Bring on the Purge already!


The ending sucked! She lied so she wouldn't have to admit to daddy she was a dummy!

haha I said they same thing to my fiance. I was like, "When she gets home her roommate and dad are going to be like, 'Told you so'" lol

"You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling." 


I thought maybe she told that story to make sure alejandro dies and gets eaten. If she told the truth they may have went in to save him and kill the tribe. Anyways its the only thing i could think of as to why she made that story up


This is a bit off topic but did anyone else keep thinking about the "South Park" episode "Rain Forrest Smainforrest" (not sure of the spelling) through the whole movie? :)


She lied because Eli Roth ripped off Cannibal Ferox when Gloria tells the press that her brother, her friend, and two companions were in a boat that capsized and drowned everyone except for her.
