Only good directors should attempt to adapt page to film!
I hope in coming years, there is a law across all countries where only good directors with a track record of successful adaptation of books to movies, are allowed to attempt the task. It is so difficult for a run of the mill director to make a go of it, especially when the novel he is basing his work on, is written by a superior story teller. The prime example of this can be seen with 'Dark Places'. How can you bring two great talents like 'Charlize Theron' and 'Chloe Moretz Grace' and original story penned by 'Gillian Flynn', and end up delivering an average movie. If you want to know the answer, just ask 'Gilles Paquet-Brenner'. Please Gilles leave this to the pros, let great directors like 'David Fincher' or 'Clint Eastwood' do the honours, or maybe 'Niels Oplev' who adapted the brilliant Millenium trilogy, into such powerful and fascinating movies! (@zulfmanauthor)