Dumb changes

I just finished the book last week and am only about halfway through the movie. I'm having a hard time getting into it because of some of the differences between book and movie. I know no movie is a perfect representation of its book, but why is the movie now set in October instead of January? And why does Libby keep meeting Lyle in a laundromat instead of the restaurant they met in? I just don't get the need to change details like that...


I also don't remember present day Libby in a house straight out of Hoarders...


Ya some details changed seemed odd. The aunt was dead. The way libby found out Diondra was bad was different too. Idk why they do that when its so minuscule.


I didn't think the changes were that drastic. I'm sure some stuff was changed but from what I saw, it looked pretty good/loyal to the book.

-How many times do you have to make the same mistake?
-Till I get it right.


So far the movie does seems pretty Loyal which I was happy with, but I agree on some changes.. I presume they may have changed it too October from January because production wise I bet a bunch of snow would be hard to maintian. But other little things just kinda put me off like it's now a horse that gave Ben the scar not a cow.. It seems silly to let it bother me so much... But it just feels like little jabs at the people who read the book.. Because I can't see any logical reason to change it
