Questions - Spoilers***
Is hiring someone to kill you to collect insurance money suicide? Is it also murder?
If the insurance company finds out a killer was hired by the insured to kill the insured, do the people who are hurt by this, and are beneficiaries, the family, denied the money?
If a killer is suspected and caught, does his word that he was hired by the insured to kill the insured, count for anything? In other words, how can anyone prove the killer is telling the truth? Therefore, if the truth is never found, just suspected, does the insurance company have to pay?
Finally, has there ever been a single recorded case where a mother paid a hit man to kill her so the insurance money would be paid to her children? I know I've never heard or read of such a case. Is it possible that this has never happened in recorded history? I think it has not because no one would ever want to die and leave their children motherless.