More than that, the plot is incredible. What sane mother does what Hendricks' character did?
She needed money to keep Ben out of jail. This is the US, and people nowadays are obsessed with "child molestation" everywhere anyway. Add to that the fact that she believed Ben actually did it, so she wasn't in a particularly healthy state of mind anyway. And to top it all, she considered herself responsible, evident both in what she said to her sister and to her decision to destroy evidence. In my mind she thought she was providing for
all her children while
punishing herself, and all while deeply depressed and chronically at that. The incredible part was that the agent of the FHA recommended the suicide path. But then again he might just be looking to collect.
If it weren't for bad luck, Ben would have no luck at all.
There is a saying in Greek, "ενός κακού μύρια έπονται", which roughly translates as "one calamity is followed by many". Ben's problems are correlated, not just coincidences. 1)He yearns for the validation of being admired and cherished - probably due in part to the lack of a paternal figure - so he encourages the younger girl. 2)She in turn paints herself to be the victim, which is encouraged by a society that vilifies sexualisation of adolescents. 3)Ending up with a rich girl who wants to spite her parents for being indifferent and inattentive seems perfectly reasonable. After all she's the only one who will have him and if getting knocked up by a dark, mysterious, white-trash satanist doesn't attract her parents attention, nothing will. 4)Running away when facing charges of child molestation - when indeed he is guilty in his mind - is a sound strategy in the mind of a teenager who doesn't even know what birth control is. But even
he knows he needs money. 5)He didn't let her in. She managed that well enough on her own. And once there, she did the exact thing one would expect of someone out of control; she made a bad situation worse. 6)Seeing as how he chose to ride the satanist-murderer-superstar hype, and take the rap for the serial killer too, did you expect him to inform on his girlfriend? The movie may have been a bit poor and the resolution weak, but it was consistent nonetheless.
Charlize is a powerful, hyper-sexual and extremely charismatic performer. For this kind of movie she was an excellent choice, far more suited than the grossly overrated Strip or the meek Blanchett. (and I absolutely adore Blanchett) In any case, I've seen half a dozen movies (starring Theron) which were much, much worse. Everybody has to make a living.