It feels like a made for TV movie
Just finished watching it. I had such high expectations after Gone Girl but unfortunately it's not anywhere near the same level. There's no polish.
My gripes-
The characters look nothing like the book. Libby and her mother are both too pretty. The lack of red hair really is a bummer since it was talked up so much in the book. Instead she wears a baseball cap for the majority of the movie (which seems very unLibby like). Diane looks a little rougher and more realistic. Diondra has straight hair and looks too straight edged- not as wild looking as described. Older Ben is bald.
I could deal with all of that but then there's the script/acting...
Charlize is a good actress but is terribly miscast with a script that makes her too in your face. I pictured Libby angry but more subdued unless provoked. In the movie Charlize's Libby is saying F this and F that every other sentence in some scenes. She's just not likeable at all. Meanwhile Diondra isn't in your face enough. She makes snide comments quietly the way a spoiled little girl would. But in the book she was loud, mean and attention seeking. Many of the other characters just seem one dimensional.
Overall it felt like a movie shot on a Lifetime budget. While it followed the book in terms of scenes pretty well, it didn't articulate the emotion or complexity of the characters. There's a reason this is on VOD. Don't get your hopes up too high and try to enjoy it for what it is.