Me too, just finished it this morning....gonna rent the movie tonight!
Not every fetus will be affected by drugs/alcohol consumed by the mother, although babies borne of late-term narcotics-using mothers are ALWAYS born addicted.
But here's a BETTER question: Crystal HAS to be, at least, emotionally unstable, having lived a life listening to the depraved musings if her Mother! Diondra states that she has shared EVERYTHING with Crystal, that they are best friends with no secrets. Couple that with Diondra still dressing like a teen, which Libby noticed immediately.
A real nature versus nurture conundrum, since we know Ben isn't right in the head, either.
Even Crystal, in what she attempts to do to Libby, shows that violence and homicide are not just normal everyday topics in her life, but perhaps even romanticized.
Gives me chills.
I'd also like to add this: I haven't had a nightmare in 50 years, and I always read to fall asleep....I had a horrible nightmare about this book this week!!
Dark Places, indeed.