"She must have known that the psychological damage she would inflict on her children from finding her murdered in their home one morning would screw with their heads tremendously and made it not so believable that she did it for the kids, and she seemed like a caring mother up to that point "
Patty planned that her sister would find her dead on the front porch the next morning. She didn't just do it for the kids. Patty was overwhelmed by her problems and wanted to die anyway.
"I'd prefer it if it was just Chloe Grace Meritz who killed them all off and Ben would have been paralyzed from the shock of seeing what was going on."
That would have been a much better plot for the movie. (Especially since Diondra was out of control that night from a combination of rage and some stimulating drug like meth or PCP. She was totally capable of mass murder!) The plot worked in the novel. There was all this background and detail that made it believable.
Overall it was a bad adaptation.
Send lawyers,guns and money/The *beep* has hit the fan