Diondra's daughter

I thought about thirty years had passed since the killings? The daughter looked like about seventeen to me.
*beep* movie allround.


she looked very young however she is supoosed to about 25 ,


If Ben was in jail for 28 years, she would have been at least 28-29.


Yes, you're absolutely right... how come they had such a failure..!


According to the plot the movie is supposed to be 25 years after the murders making the daughter 24 or 25. But, the brother was in jail for 28 years, so I am not sure.


Really? That makes no sense! Otherwise he would have been in jail BEFORE the murders... can't be right


Hmm 25yrs after the murder or after his conviction? That's the only thing I can think of..sometimes you'll sit in jail yrs before trial. Also Im 29 and ppl think I'm like 24/25...my ma is the same almost 50 and she looks 35 tops


The movie says it had been 28 years since the murders. If Dioronda was 3 months pregnant, the girl would be at least 27. But she looked, I agree, about 17. And acted that age, as well. But consider this: Dioronda was never pregnant by Ben at all, but did meet some other poor sucker years later and had a baby. Poor idiotic Ben! Sacrificed himself for nothing.

And what a couple of keystone cops the mother and daughter were! Couldn't find the gun, couldn't find the bullets.

And then the mother was just convicted, like that....because an hour and 34 minutes have gone by and we got to wrap this movie up!

Scene by scene, this movie is just....not good.


Many people look younger than they are. But like you said, she acted like a teenager. I think that's a bigger problem than the way she looks.



I had thought the same thing. Perhaps she was never pregnant but had a baby by someone else later. She probably stayed in contact with him making up things to tell him about his child until she actually had one. Then she could coach the kid after awhile and put her on the phone to seal the deal.


She had a pregnant belly though, we saw it in a couple of scenes, I think would notice!


And Ben felt the baby "kicking" who knows


She should have been closer to 25. In the book it's been 25 years, not 28 like the movie, since the deaths. Also, the movie treats it like it was all happening today, but really the book came out in 2009 so the storyline was more based on that time frame. The movie really didn't do that - it tried to do it in current time (abt 2013 since the movie was supposed to come out last year) and it made the timeline completely wonky.


Totally agree: the 30th 'anniversary' was coming up soon, and the girl was already a few months pregnant, so the daughter should be around 29. The actress playing Crystal is 26, but she doesn't look her age.


Really, how do you know she was 26?


Looked it up at IMDb !


Her birthday is not on imdb


Some people look younger than their age. When I was thirty most people thought I was eighteen or nineteen. I was teaching in a high school with 3500 students, so I was constantly being stopped by teachers for a hall pass. One teacher turned me in to the AP for using the faculty restroom. I didn't start looking like "grown up" until I was almost forty. LOL

"Home of the free...little pink houses for you and me...ooo, yeah!"🎵🎸🍺


I totally agree. This really took me out of the movie. There is no way she appears to be anywhere near 28 years of age..



Totally agree.... I thought the amount of time that went by was too long. for the sake of the movie they should have shortened it to under 20 years. I almost forgot that the daughter was supposed to be around 27. Mom and her 27 year old daughter still living together? lol even that was dumb. especially when she looks 20 years old.

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Mom and her 27 year old daughter still living together? lol even that was dumb. especially when she looks 20 years old.

No, it isn't. Everybody dosen't have their own place at age 27, and I've always looked 10 years younger than my actual age---and have a couple of family members was look the same way--it runs in our fam,lol. Heck, my own mother's never looked her actual age, so people would be surprised when she told them she had grown kids and was a grandma. So, yeah, that is possible---nothing "dumb" about it.


would that [fAs] add to the likely hood of her being so willin' to shoot @ any one what she comes across?

wux jus kill kill kill

& I'm like
wait - wha'?

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