Hard to believe they had to add a framing device to indicate the satire
I read a lot about this movie, including interviews with the writers. Apparently they found in test screenings that audiences were confused, taking it as an attempt at a straightforward rom-com, and finding it wanting in that respect. So they went back and reshot the framing device to avoid this confusion.
So I was intrigued, and went in expecting the satire/parody elements to be rather subtle and intelligent. Instead, right in the first few minutes we get her "klutziness" cranked up to eleven, she's shaving, at his office his buddy/coworker goes out the window, etc. This was closer to Airplane or Naked Gun style comedy, except I didn't find the jokes landing nearly as well.
I turned it off after a few minutes, but I can't tell anyone who laughed that they are wrong, because comedy is very subjective. What I really can't understand though is how they could have possibly needed that framing device for it to be clear to people that this was an over-the-top spoof.
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