MovieChat Forums > Rogue (2013) Discussion > Struggling to get into this season

Struggling to get into this season

Loved the first series, Csokas was great but I'm really struggling to get into it this year. Pace seems a lot slower and I'm finding it difficult to empathise with the 'bad guys' unlike the first series. Maybe it's just me. I'll keep watching for now and hope I get into it more.


It's not just you. It's all over the place. Not only haven't they fixed what was broken in season 1, they managed to have an even weaker plot and sketchier characters.

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco


There's no Jimmy, but there's Cole Hauser so I don't really mind. I kinda like these bad guys. It's way more believable than mafia family working on the docks fighting with the triads and size.

Mostly in it for Hauser to be honest. I missed him.

"Clever people will recognize and tolerate nothing but cleverness."


it's so strange how slow the start of this season was, but now around episode 5 it's getting more and more interesting.


I agree the second season is not working and this include the tired story line. Please bring back Jimmy (Csokas) or a better plot.


Weak season all together, Thandie some how managed to get uglier and the Mom was atrocious also the brat Evie was annoying.


This show really benefits from being watched in 'marathon' format. I saved the whole thing to watch at once and really enjoyed it. That way you don't suffer from the slowly building pace. I know that's not helpful when they air it weekly, but for anyone who might want to watch it when the DVD comes out, be aware that binge watching really helps this show.

I'm assuming they must be pretty sure of a S3 to have ended S2 on that enormous cliffhanger.


Are You Kidding Me?!?!
Season 2 is brilliant...better than the first...a couple of brilliant twists in the storyline...and Cole Hauser and Alec Newman are awesome...Season 1 was okay but Season 2 is a whole new level..Geeeee, it is amazing how people view these thing so differently...


Ok it got better towards the end when the pace picked up. Still prefer series 1.

Don't know what it is about young girls / daughters in these shows, why they're pretty much always annoying / terrible. Evie here, the daughters in Ray Donovan and Homeland and especially the girl in Californication. Combination of bad acting and bad writing for them i guess.


Season 2 was crap by comparison.

And the theme music in season 1 was brilliant, so they got rid of it.


A new season begins, I think today, 6/24/15, on DirecTV. They've been plugging the hell out of it.

I've never seen it... is it worth watching? I like Thandie Newton. Thanks -L



Yeah but is it worth watching?


I think so. The quality of the show has gotten better each season. I really enjoyed the season 3 opener.

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I agree - Csokas was excellent, as always, and Newton wasn't terrible. Sure the script was clunky and the plotholes were big enough to drive a no.73 bus through - but a lot of it did work.

However this season is terrible - no Csokas, little of Newton and everyone else just wandering around as if they're on the wrong set and so saying the wrong lines. It's just jaw-droppingly bad all round this time.


He looks like his idea of a fun time would be to find a cold, wet grave and sit in it.


Season 3 started and we're on episode 2, it's not as bad as season 2 it's 100 times worse. I loved almost everything about season 1. Season 2 was a disappointment but at least Thandie was still the main character. Season 3 feels like a completely different show with a whole bunch of randys I'll never care about. I'll check back mid season to see what happened to Thandie's character and her family.
