Since the beginning the show has centered around Grace and her pursuit of justice for her son. That issue is still largely unresolved and the dirty cops involved have not been brought to justice. I can't imagine that the writers would kill off the main character of the show and while the main plot point is completely unresolved. This is not that kind of show. This is not game of thrones so where is Grace Travis? I can't think of a show that sidelines the main character for a half of a season. I hope it pays off. I do know that an unwritten tv rule states that if you don't see the dead body then the character is still alive. I think if they wanted to put a period at the end of the story that is Grave Travis then they would have shot her in the head on camera. So in my book she is alive. I think the actress had a scheduling conflict and needed time off the show so they wrote her out in such a lame way.
In all fairness, Hauser's assumption is based on the circumstantial evidence of the necklace and a little bit of unidentified blood on the statue in the hotel room. So Grace is either worm food, and they crapped on the initial premise of the show and chucked the idea of finding Grace's son's killer out the window, or they'll crap on the last shred of the show's integrity and she'll make some fantastic eleventh hour reappearance and save the day and solve the mysteries.
"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." George Orwell
She's in a landfill by now, getting gnawed on by rats.
It seems like they are just going pretend she never existed and move forward with the Cole Hauser character. Pretty lame to kill off your lead and then treat her death as no different than that of some random red shirt.
I started watching last season as she was leaving the show. So, I am used to having another lead actor. I enjoy it. You would think after a second season people would realize Grace is dead and not coming back.
I think it is just due to the extreme lack of ceremony with regard to killing off a lead mid-way through a season. I actually found it gross that she was tossed in a dumpster like trash, and they couldn't even show garbagemen or police officers finding her corpse. It makes me inclined to think that Thandie Newton's departure was very acrimonious, or there was some plan to leave the door open for her return.
I think it is just due to the extreme lack of ceremony with regard to killing off a lead mid-way through a season. I actually found it gross that she was tossed in a dumpster like trash, and they couldn't even show garbagemen or police officers finding her corpse. It makes me inclined to think that Thandie Newton's departure was very acrimonious, or there was some plan to leave the door open for her return.
I think Cole Hauser was always meant to be the new lead. To make the series less about Grace and her demons and more like a typical action drama.
That said, I found the lack of closure around her death to be, I'm not sure of the word, poetic maybe. Far more so than if someone had discovered her body. She lived and worked in a murky world. That's the way she died and disappeared. Seemed fitting to me.
Yes, it's gross and sad to think that she was just thrown away like garbage. It happens that way all too often. Off the top of my head I can think of three immediately. In two, the victims were found. In the last, a few years ago, a teenage girl went to a party and disappeared. I can't remember if they caught the killer or not, but eventually the police learned her body had been dumped in the garbage. Since it was weeks after the fact, the police didn't even bother to go to the landfill to look for her. Said it was too late and not worth the effort or cost.
Sometimes there just is no real closure.
I don't trust people who don't like pets and I don't trust people who pets don't like.
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Thandie took off to have a baby boy. After he was 5 months old she went back to work on Westworld which is a big hit on HBO. She has a major role and it will propel her into just about anything she wants to do.
Thandie has been in the business for 25 yrs and has had "major roles" in a number of big/hit movies. She's probably already doing what she wants to do.
I don't trust people who don't like pets and I don't trust people who pets don't like.
Landed here after I discovered that Rogue was still on the air, and was mildly curious about the current state of the show.
Agreed, but let's be honest here.. Can anyone really recall her performances in any of the movies she's been in? Don't get me wrong, I think she's a talented, gorgeous actress, but I can only pick out of a few movies and say, "Thandie Newton" was in *this movie*.
I loved her in RockNRolla, but as I'm looking at her other films, I can't seem to recall her performances in almost any of them. I have some small memory of her in MI2, and maybe a fragment in Crash, but nothing else jumps out at me as I look through her titles.
The problem for her is that she's all too often cast as eye-candy in movies where she ends up blending into the background somehow. All I really remember from MI2 (apart from how much of a drop in quality it was from the preceding chapter in the series) was Cruise's rock climbing intro, and some ridiculous fight on motor cycles near the end. I remember the scene in the Pursuit of Happyness where Will Smith's character's girlfriend goes ballistic and leaves him, but that was a minor (and, for me at least, forgettable) role (in the sense that I don't remember Thandie as being the actress who portayed Will's love interest). These examples show how she's often cast in roles where there's so much going on that distracts you from remembering her performance, or where she isn't given enough to work with to leave her mark on a movie. Then again, perhaps I'm the only person who feels this way (but I doubt it). I don't think the same can be said of anything she's been in previously.
Then we come to Rogue, where Thandie was the lead. There was no way around remembering her being there. I watched season one, and think I watched at least part (if not all) of season two, but after that.. I was sort of done watching Rogue; however, I do think that it was her role as Grace in Rogue that helped her land the part of Maeve in Westworld.
TL:DR, chicago85 is absolutely right about how her performances in Westworld will impact her career: it is a show that is on practically everyone's radar, and Thandie landed a really juicy part to play. It would be impossible for someone to forget her after seeing Westworld, and it's such a "big" show that I'm sure there will be people who are introduced to Thandie for the first time through conversation alone. I don't think the same can be said for anything she's been in previously.
Undoubtedly, there are people who have been introduced to her and will be talking about her because of her role in Westworld. That doesn't necessarily translate to Casting directors suddenly hiring her. She's female. She's over 40. And she's considered a black actress. All those things work against her in Hollywood.
Plus, WW has ratings around 5 million. Game of Thrones is bigger than it. Can you think of any suddenly huge breakout stars from it?
I don't trust people who don't like pets and I don't trust people who pets don't like.
Completely agree. Look at Aaron Paul. The guy won 3 Emmy's and was nominated for a Golden Globe for 'Breaking Bad' and since then he's only had a lead role in one film which bombed (Need for Speed) and a handful of forgettable supporting roles. For the most part, Hollywood is historically neglectful towards actress over 40, and even more towards Black actresses.