Dear me - I'm not doing very well with crime dramas lately... The mediocre "Broadchurch" completely failed to impress... I was expecting "Shetland" to be better and, in some ways, I suppose it was - most importantly, the script wasn't one long cliché. But, I didn't like or care about anyone and, so, forgot how they were related to each other as soon as it had been mentioned... Of course, the most glaring problem was the accents... Shetlander Steven Robertson used his native accent, while all the other Scottish actors - even those playing his close relatives - used their own mainland, not particularly Shetland accents... Whether this was laziness on the part of the actors, poor direction or a rather insulting assumption that the mostly non-Scottish audience wouldn't notice, I don't know. But, it was bad programme-making... A crime drama set in Shetland could be very interesting... Sadly, this story of an old family feud, possibly connected to wartime Norway didn't engage my interest... I suppose a story involving the oil industry, for example, would have been very obvious, but might have made for a rather more engaging plot... I get the impression that the BBC looked at the current popularity of Scandinavian noir, wondered how it could make something fairly similar, while not straying from its commitment to British drama and cobbled this together with relatively little thought.