MovieChat Forums > Shetland (2013) Discussion > Bad weather in The Shetlands?

Bad weather in The Shetlands?

Blue Lightning: Is this 'storm' what the Shetlands are able to?
They close down the airfield on Fair Isle, but I would say that the wind never exceeds 'strong breeze' - some 30 knots, and that will close down next to nothing in those parts. If they did, it would be impossible to live in the North Atlantic at all.



Bad weather often closes the airfield on Fair Isle; either due to strong cross winds or dense fog. High winds will also stop the boat running.

I used to go there on holiday; while I never had problems getting on or off the island almost every time some flights were cancelled... and one time I got off then was stuck in Lerwick for two days as hurricane force winds prevented the NorthLink ferry going to Aberdeen!

There is no fishing from Fair Isle these days; the main industry is tourism with up to Forty guests staying at the Fair Isle Bird Observatory at any one time from Spring to Autumn. There is also farming with crofts in the south and sheep roaming the northern part of the island.



Fishing has changed. In the old days one would need to fish close to land to get the take processed quickly, but now the fishing boat is the processor, literally pulling in the fish at the back and offloading store ready packages from the front. There is probably a small amount of fishing for local needs, but likely not an export operation.

I think my percentage of Chimp DNA is higher than others. Cleaver Greene
