The Avengers aren't supposed to be a somber movies. They have dark aspects of them, but they aren't supposed to be bore-fests where the hero is bereft of any happiness.
Did you ever read Avengers comics?
The humor was spot on.
Humor? You mean tiresome, bland, poorly written one-liners that make you cringe harder than anything you've seen before?
Yeah, for sure they didn't show that there is always collateral damage and not everyone reacts the same way.
They did not need Quicksilver and Scarlett Which to show that.
They also didn't show that the bad guys aren't always bad and can be redeemed.
They weren't bad guys to begin with.
Ugh. No.
Yes, just... Yes. The action was tedious and tiresome.
This one isn't wrong, but also isn't horrible.
Only if you think that it's okay to shoehorn some stupid, unrelated plot-point in the middle of the film just for the sake of it and never bother to explain it afterwards.
Most people had no problem keeping up.
So what is the plot behind Thor's bathtub scene? I'm talking about within the context of the movie, not what comes in later movies.
And I don't know which side character you consider forgettable. Every one of them had a purpose.
What was the purpose of Bruce Banner's and Widow's romance?
I don't think you understood the character.
There is nothing really to understand about him other than the fact that he's a bad villain.
He's more like Tony than like anything else, and he hates the idea of being compared to Tony.
Yeah, since that is what we want in our villain, right? For him to act like a spoiled child who feels misunderstood.
Plus, it is difficult to be a better villain than Loki.
Really? To be better than Loki you have to be better than mediocre.
He is one of they few who you could actually feel sorry for, at least in the first movie.
You think Loki was a good villain, but you hate Ledger's FANTASTIC performance of the Joker?