Don't understand the hatred.

I can understand folk not loving this movie, or thinking it's disappointing, but the level of hatred is beyond me.

I'm all for constructive criticism, or the thought that this fell short of the first one, but the way some people talk about it, you'd think is was Batman & Robin!

It delivered all the things that were loved from the first one, delirious action, humour and a huge sense of fun, but it seems that what was loved from Avengers, rubbed people the wrong way this time round. The opening scene alone delivered the kind of sequence we had to wait nearly two hours to see in the original.

I hope that in time it's recognized as being a very worthy sequel, instead of being viewed as a gross failure.

Do you think following Winter Soldier had a lot to do with the response?


I think DC fans were tearing down this film in order to prop up their future masterpiece, Batman v Superman.

Uh oh spaghettios - Zack Snyder, David Goyer, Chris Terrio, Bryan Singer (2016)


I think DC fans were tearing down this film in order to prop up their future masterpiece, Batman v Superman.

Or, maybe this film was very mediocre, ha? I think that might be a reasonable explanation.


In my experience, it was just a disappointment in comparison to the atmosphere that the trailer created. I recently watched the movie a second time, and enjoyed it a lot more. It's a really good movie.


Honest Trailers sums this up really well. The bar was set by the first Avengers which was awesome. It set the bar really high that personally I thought no solo films could get close. Then we got Winter Soldier and Guardians of the Galaxy two universally and critically beloved films and then having the next film be the sequel to Avengers with Whedon back expectations were huge. Ultimately I think people were just disappointed that
1. Didm't meet the bar set by Avengers, Winter Soldier and Guardians
2. Didn't meet expectations set by the trailer. The trailers (not tv spots) promised a darker serious film and while we got dark moments the tone was the exact same as the first which is good but not what people were promised.

I also think it's really good I can understand people being disappointed by it but I also don't personally understand how someone can love the first Avengers and hate Ultron. Both are Whedonesque films with some of the same strengths and flaws. Also the twitter stuff was dumb by the SJWs like c'mon the dude created Buffy Summers one of the best female characters we've had in the past 20 years.


It was spectacular the first film, mainly because it was something new that nobody expected to actually be released. All the cool comic book characters, together as a team.

They should gave waited maybe four to five years tops. Captain America had come out, iron man 3, thor, it was overload for this. Its like Jurassic world, I was the only one hyped up, everyone else rolled their eyes or said it would suck.

Obviously it didn't, i knew it would be popular, it was the actually Jurassic park rebooted, the lost world was overrated, and jp3 well it was forgettable. Point is it helps to wait so long people kind of move on, then bring back a once popular franchise as a new installment rather than remake.

Avengers ultron wasn't bad, but felt like a continuation that was too long and seemed like they could have incorporated some plots and storylines in first film, but this dragged out. It was like deleted scenes stretched into a feature length film with added new scenes that didn't come together.


I think it had to deal with hype from the 1st Avengers, Winter Soldier, and Guardians of the Galaxy. Also, it had to set up Civil War and Infinity War.


Aren't these films for children? This stuff and Spiderman, Batman, comics, are adults actually paying to see these? The rot of american civilization.

What ever happened to films like Cool Hand Luke, Taxi Driver or Raging Bull? Are people to stupid now to enjoy an intelligent film?

My Top 50 Films


Aren't these films for children?

No, that is just what immature, pretentious azzholes think. Stuck-up morons who think they are kid movies aren't able to pay attention and understand the story / message.

They "think" a movie has to be dark and serious to be good. It is quite obvious by your list - there are only a couple of movies listed which could be considered comedies.


"Stuck-up morons who think they are kid movies aren't able to pay attention and understand the story / message."

Thank you, I will consider that a compliment. Since we are discussing comedies my list contains well over a dozen "tongue in cheek" comedies such as "Little Big Man" have you seen that film?

What exactly was the message of "Avengers: Age of Ultron" ? What is as meaningful as "Chariots of Fire" ? Would you have watched it if it weren't full of action and CGI ?

My Top 50 Films


Thank you, I will consider that a compliment.

Well, people whose parents divorce but still remain brother and sister will consider an insult a compliment.

So, it makes sense that a stuck-up moron such as yourself considers it a compliment.

Seriously. You obviously don't like movies like this, so don't watch them.

And, if you watch them, don't b!tch about not liking them.

It, like you, is as simple as that.


This is a forum idiot, opinions are posted here as part of the forum, your enjoyment of garbage, trendy, nonsensical films such as this disallows your opinions as valid.

There are thinking people who enjoy real cinema, then there are dolts that prefer superheros and cartoons.

My Top 50 Films


This is a forum idiot, opinions are posted here as part of the forum, your enjoyment of garbage, trendy, nonsensical films such as this disallows your opinions as valid.

Yes, and when you are a jqck off about what you post, expect people to treat you like one. There is no reason to go to a board to insult the people who liked a movie.

There are thinking people who enjoy real cinema,

Yes, they are called pretentious, stuck-up, immature, worthless turds who "think" anyone gives a sh!t what they think.


There are thinking people who enjoy real cinema, then there are dolts that prefer superheros and cartoons.

There's actually a third type of person. Genuine, open-minded, likable people who enjoy both.


I liked the movie, but it was disappointing, in part due to:

-Annoying one-liners during serious parts and are usually not funny
-Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch were shoehorned and served no purpose
-some of the action scenes went on for too long, like the Hulkbuster/Hulk fight
-Thor scene in the cave was very out-of-place and disrupted the flow of the movie
-too many subplots and forgettable side characters
-villain had some pretty bad dialogue and wasn't as good as Loki


-Annoying one-liners during serious parts and are usually not funny

The Avengers aren't supposed to be a somber movies. They have dark aspects of them, but they aren't supposed to be bore-fests where the hero is bereft of any happiness. The humor was spot on.

-Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch were shoehorned and served no purpose

Yeah, for sure they didn't show that there is always collateral damage and not everyone reacts the same way. They also didn't show that the bad guys aren't always bad and can be redeemed.

-some of the action scenes went on for too long, like the Hulkbuster/Hulk fight

Ugh. No.

-Thor scene in the cave was very out-of-place and disrupted the flow of the movie

This one isn't wrong, but also isn't horrible. From what I've read, there was a big fight between Whedon and Disney as to how much of this was put in. IMO, the discussion between BW and Banner went on a little long. I think they could have gotten the points across in less time.

-too many subplots and forgettable side characters

Most people had no problem keeping up. And I don't know which side character you consider forgettable. Every one of them had a purpose.

-villain had some pretty bad dialogue and wasn't as good as Loki

I don't think you understood the character. He's more like Tony than like anything else, and he hates the idea of being compared to Tony.

Plus, it is difficult to be a better villain than Loki. He is one of they few who you could actually feel sorry for, at least in the first movie.


-Annoying one-liners during serious parts and are usually not funny

The Avengers aren't supposed to be a somber movies. They have dark aspects of them, but they aren't supposed to be bore-fests where the hero is bereft of any happiness.

Darkness and even somberness in a movie doesn't mean the movie will necessarily be boring. Regardless, Steve, Tony and Natasha seemed to have pretty serious storylines but none of them were resolved at all.

-Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch were shoehorned and served no purpose

Yeah, for sure they didn't show that there is always collateral damage and not everyone reacts the same way. They also didn't show that the bad guys aren't always bad and can be redeemed.

I thought those were very perfunctory, with the bad guys really bad and working with a former Nazi and not showing any concern for causing collateral damage themselves and then switching to and working with the Avengers (and eventually being accepted by the authorities) because the other bad guy (who they had a role in creating) seemed he would cause a lot more damage.


Darkness and even somberness in a movie doesn't mean the movie will necessarily be boring.

Tell that to DC.

with the bad guys really bad and working with a former Nazi and not showing any concern for causing collateral damage themselves and then switching to and working with the Avengers

The twins were 10 when their parents were killed. No one helped them get over that and deal with their grief/anger. Instead, Von Strucker took them in, twisted their minds, and promised them they could get revenge upon Stark. They, and all of Sokovia saw Stark as the bad-guy. There was no reason to question Von Strucker's motives.

Think of it this way. We aren't born racist; it is a learned behavior. So, a child who is raised in an exclusively WHATEVER RACE area suddenly finds himself being rescued by someone from the race they were told to hate, they would question what they'd be taught - that all of THAT RACE were horrible people.

The twins just wanted to make Stark pay for what he did to their parents, even though he wasn't responsible for it. Ultron continued to manipulate their grief and they didn't have a reason to accept it.

Once Wanda saw that his plan wasn't to simply defeat Stark and The Avengers, but to kill every living being on the Earth, they understood that they'd been lied to. To atone for what they did, they were willing to sacrifice themselves, and Pietro did.


The Avengers aren't supposed to be a somber movies. They have dark aspects of them, but they aren't supposed to be bore-fests where the hero is bereft of any happiness.

Did you ever read Avengers comics?

The humor was spot on.

Humor? You mean tiresome, bland, poorly written one-liners that make you cringe harder than anything you've seen before?

Yeah, for sure they didn't show that there is always collateral damage and not everyone reacts the same way.

They did not need Quicksilver and Scarlett Which to show that.

They also didn't show that the bad guys aren't always bad and can be redeemed.

They weren't bad guys to begin with.

Ugh. No.

Yes, just... Yes. The action was tedious and tiresome.

This one isn't wrong, but also isn't horrible.

Only if you think that it's okay to shoehorn some stupid, unrelated plot-point in the middle of the film just for the sake of it and never bother to explain it afterwards.

Most people had no problem keeping up.

So what is the plot behind Thor's bathtub scene? I'm talking about within the context of the movie, not what comes in later movies.

And I don't know which side character you consider forgettable. Every one of them had a purpose.

What was the purpose of Bruce Banner's and Widow's romance?

I don't think you understood the character.

There is nothing really to understand about him other than the fact that he's a bad villain.

He's more like Tony than like anything else, and he hates the idea of being compared to Tony.

Yeah, since that is what we want in our villain, right? For him to act like a spoiled child who feels misunderstood.

Plus, it is difficult to be a better villain than Loki.

Really? To be better than Loki you have to be better than mediocre.

He is one of they few who you could actually feel sorry for, at least in the first movie.

You think Loki was a good villain, but you hate Ledger's FANTASTIC performance of the Joker?


At one point, this was the most anticipated film of my life. I've seen it twice and have no desire to see it again. Each viewing is a frustrating experience for me
