MovieChat Forums > Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) Discussion > Why MCU is great for the film industry!

Why MCU is great for the film industry!

Simply put, they hire people for big budget films that no other studio would and opt for talent over fame. They could have just hired well known big budget director and well known action stars considering the gamble they were already taking was big enough. But instead we got RDJ as the kick starter hero of the franchise with Iron Man, which turned out to be the best decision commercial and financially. Remember 2008, RDJ was basically a washed up actor.

Behind the scenes, Marvel has hired the likes of the Kenneth Branagh (a hit at Shakespeare in the 80's), Shane Black (One small film under his belt), James Gunn (Two small films under his belt), the Russo Brothers (Small films/TV famous) and of course Joss Whedon (One film/TV famous).

These directors are, in my opinion, fabulously talented at their profession and though I'm not saying without Marvel they still wouldn't be doing great. I'm saying because of Marvel they are now recognised as A-Lister directors who can handle small and big budget films, giving them the opportunity to director just about anything, which given their talent, is super exciting.

Mainly, the MCU is just daring and Hollywood needs more of that. Otherwise we're stuck with Michael Bay blowing stuff up and Bruce Willis pretending like he cares anymore!


MCU killed off decent filmmaking altogether.

They are like the franchise company in Hollywood, the McDonald's that appeal to everyone.

They also outsource a lot of special effects overseas. Which shows in the choppy special effects and editing of the movie.

They also monopolize release dates. They hold on to first weekend of summer for a long time.

If anything MC is destroying Hollywood.


Meh; Hollywood has been "killing itself off" forever. Somehow, movies are still being released and people are still buying tickets. Studios are . . hold into you lugnuts . . for-profit enterprises. They produce what they think will sell. Always have, always will.

So, YAWWWWN. They sky is falling, Art is dead, yadda yadda yadda. Same as last year, next year, and 30 years from now.


This. Right there. I love your comment. There's always going to be movies, and always people going to see them. That's the whole point of a movie!!


They also outsource a lot of special effects overseas. Which shows in the choppy special effects and editing of the movie.

Apart from that statement being completely racist, you do know that Disney own ILM and that they do all the special effects for their movies.


Well . . not really, right? When you can't even identify what race is being targeted, how can it be racism? You might want to leave that arrow in the quiver until you actually have something to shoot at.


I have meddled with the primal forces of nature and I will atone.


The comment implied that if it was done in USA the special effects would have been good, and the fact that they were not done in the USA was what made them bad. He therefore implied that USA is superior to foreign countries which is racist.


Speaking in generalities, it's well established that if a US company wants something done cheap, one option is to farm it out to a non-US company. This is simple fact. It doesn't mean that, universally, anything done inside the US is automatically superior. Certainly Weta is a top-notch SFX company, and I'm sure there are many others.

Again . . what "race" do you think is due an apology? If you can answer that, then I'll backtrack.


I have meddled with the primal forces of nature and I will atone.


Whichever country the effects were done by, obviously?

It was racist. Implying that it was inferior because it wasnt done in america is racist. Well, maybe xenophobic. Yeah lets say xenophobic. Either way it was a ridiculous and idiotic comment to make. The world doesnt revolve around america and film doesnt revolve around hollywood.


ILM does most of MCU FIlms, and is among weta one of the best Visual Effects companies out there, if is not the best.
I don't know what is the problem with cgi in marvel movies, is one of the best out there, that doesnt mean that some shots look a litle odd, but again, marvel has one of the best visual effects in the film industry.


Without the MCU, the cinema would be a boring place in this era.


And also TOTAL BS and Weta Digital are AT LEAST as good as ILM if not better.

Eg LOTR/Hobbit and AVATAR

Sarchasm (n): The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the person who doesn't get it


He therefore implied that USA is superior to foreign countries which is racist.

Actually, that's chauvinistic. Race has nothing to do with this.

Fabricati Diem, Pvnc !
RIP Terry Pratchett


U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!

Wait, what?


Mainly, the MCU is just daring and Hollywood needs more of that. Otherwise we're stuck with Michael Bay blowing stuff up and Bruce Willis pretending like he cares anymore!

Quite true. The fact is, Marvel Studios gives us two of the top three blockbusters every single year. Hell, they've saved the past four years in film almost single-handedly.

The only thing to fear is lesser properties trying to imitate them and their shared universe idea. We've already seen Universal fail with Dracula/Frankenstein and a monster universe. Now there's talk of a lame Ghostbusters Universe in the works. Also, DC/WB seems like they are going to flood the market with pure crap in an attempt to try and keep up with Marvel.


Marveltards Unite!


Absolutely. The only thing killing Hollywood is movies like Interstellar.


Yes. To hell with original blockbusters! We need more superhero movies and sequels to said superhero movies! 😡


Well you could argue Interstellar was trying to be the next 2001.

“Hate speech is the modern term for heresy."--Ayaan Hirsi Ali


you can argue loads of dumb *beep*


Before the MCU there never WAS an Ant-Man, a Guardians of the Galaxy, or an Iron Man movie. So these are ALL original blockbusters.

Fabricati Diem, Pvnc !
RIP Terry Pratchett


They could have just hired well known big budget director and well known action stars considering the gamble they were already taking was big enough.

they hire powerless directorys they can controll. most good directors wouldnt touch a marvel film, its not like they can just pick and choose.

Mainly, the MCU is just daring and Hollywood needs more of that.

you think marvel are daring? hollywood needs less sequels and more original films.

Why MCU is great for the film industry!

if one would make the opposite statement you would have alot mroe to talk about. the MCU is good for comicbook film lovers not for the industry.


I'm sorry, did you just imply Jon Favreau, Joss Whedon, Kenneth Branagh, James Gunn, Joe Johnston, Alan Taylor, the Russo brothers, and such are all terrible directors? Yeah, okay, you just lost all your credibility.
Also, Marvel does not hire powerless directors. Kenneth Branagh is FAR from powerless and the only instruction ever given to James Gunn was to 'make a James Gunn movie'.

Marvel is daring because they took B and C list characters and made them into stars. They are also constructing the first ever comprehensive Cinematic Universe. Its like the series of old serials, but applied to full length movies. In times before, no filmmaker would EVER have allowed themselves to get attached to a film titled 'Ant Man'. Now? There are a ton of good directors who would love to take part in this.

You are just a bitter fool. They ARE good for the industry.

"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf


DC fanbois are beyond stupidity.


you think marvel are daring? hollywood needs less sequels and more original films.

The thing is I believe you are correct in that Hollywood could use fewer sequels. Many sequels are either repeats of the previous films with slight changes or they are bigger changes to the previous films where the changes are so different that they lose the "spirit" of the pervious films.

But, I also believe you are incorrect in that the Marvel sequels are the bad ones. Each sequel in the Marvel universe advances an overall story while still being a story in its own right. Even non sequels, such as Ant-Man, advance the overall story.


Because Marvel has yet to make a bad film and I doubt that they ever will. They have too many checks and balances in play and in place.

I accept your surrender.


Marvel needs those balances over on Netflix. Daredevil was UP and then Jessica Jones was way DOWN.


The MCU forces other studios to raise their game. Marvel films are just so damn good that they are now the platinum standard.


Billion dollar franchises make people sit up and take notice!


Mainly, the MCU is just daring and Hollywood needs more of that. Otherwise we're stuck with Michael Bay blowing stuff up and Bruce Willis pretending like he cares anymore!

that is EXACTLY what Age of Ultron IS!

What The HELL are you talking about? THAT IS WHAT THIS MOVIE IS FOR GOD's Sake!


Sorry, not even close.


boring loud action scenes

using the same plot on every movie

genetic villains

movie is FULL of weird humor

yep, age of ultron definitely sounds like a transformers movie to me, just with better acting


With better acting, writing and directing. So kind of like nothing like at all.


better acting, debatable. acting in age of ultron was not that great

directing, not at all. whedon uses as many cliches as bay
their styles are not the same, but they are both hacks

whedon is a hack


Moron Confirmed


Starting week three and Avengers is still saving theatre owners. What the hell is there to see this weekend?



As if making a billion dollars already is a bad thing! 


I am in agreement with you, and I want to thank you for posting this. Mostly because of these hilarious responses. Sequels are not ruining Hollywood. Marvel is telling serialized stories. Was the 5th season of Breaking Bad terrible and was it ruining TV shows? I mean, it's not at all original. We've seen Walter White before, we've seen blue meth before, we've seen Walt cry and we've seen him be badass before. Each Marvel movie is different from the last, they all tell different stories. This format of film-making is unlike anything we've ever seen. And those of you who say all films must be original, The Shawshank Redemption was based of a book, as was The Godfather. Scarface and The Thing were remakes, and half of David Fincher's filmography are adaptations of other material. Screw originally, I'd prefer excellence.


Look at the re-treads.

Jurassic Park was OK entertainment but dumb as dirt.

Robocop was awful.

Mad Max Fury Road is a one note headache to be honest.

Terminator GeeYwhiz is being mocked.

Thank God for the MCU.


First Avenger sucked.

Thor 1 and 2 sucked even more.

Iron Man 2 and 3 divided fans, hated by many.

Avengers 1 and 2 complete letdowns nothing special about either.

Thank the Gods for X Men Universe for actually giving us good films.


First Avenger was great.

The Thor films are wonderful Epic Fantasy movies.

Iron Man 2 and 3 aren't hated by many at all, actually.

Avengers 1 and 2 show how ensemble films should be done. X-Men should take lessons.

The X-Films are just the same 1 story over and over again.


Hahaha I remember when I was that young and naive to the point where I would believe a flashy live action cartoon that appeals to 10 year old's and younger was actually a good movie . When you grow up and actual understand what makes a good film than you can talk.


When you grow up and actual understand what makes a good film than you can talk.

Spoken like a truly pretentious snob.


You don't seem to know what makes a movie good either. The X-Men movies are good, but it's true what the other poster says about repeating the same story over and over again more or less, which makes them somewhat boring as well.. Still find X-Men 2 the best!

Beside Iron Man 2 and Thor 2, the rest of the MCU movies you listed are actually good movies, with more originality than the X-Men movies. Do they have some bad moments in them, sure, but overall they are good movies, some more than others. It's only because of the standard they set, unfair comparisons to other CBM's or Blockbusters, or fan expectations because of the source material, that some of them dissapoints (Like AoU or Iron man 3 for example) Did AoU have flaws? Yup, many, but it's still quite a good movie!

Also, i really think it's you that need to grow up, there's nothing wrong with childish cinema. It can be as good as anything else:

“Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.”

― C.S. Lewis

My movie diary and every movie i've seen


Forget about film, what about TV? Disney Shouldn't Cooperate With Netflix, It Should Acquire It.


It looks like Ant-Man is following suit!
