MovieChat Forums > Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) Discussion > Hulkbuster proves that for a genius, Ton...

Hulkbuster proves that for a genius, Tony Stark can be really stupid.

Okay, you've got a green rage monster with nigh infinite strength who just gets stronger the more angry he becomes. And your plan to battle him is to build a suit which will cause him pain and make him more angry..... "Not a great plan" to quote Tony Stark.

If they REALLY want to shut down the Hulk, when he's trapped in that little metal room at the start of the fight, you start playing a lullaby and spraying nitrous oxide in his face. Show him pictures of Scar-Jo in a bikini. Do things which will calm him down.

The weapons on the Hulkbuster suit should be designed not to cause pain, but to cause pleasure. Fire a laser which would stimulate the feel good centers of Hulk's brain. You need to calm that boy down!!! Turn him back into Bruce Banner. Fighting him is counter-productive. I can't believe neither Tony Stark nor Bruce Banner realized that when they were designing it.


Question is: Does Tony have pictures of Natasha in a bikini? :D

But you're right, though. Really a very bad idea. But it looks quite epic, and I guess that's what they wanted.

I don’t care how hypothetical it is, I’m not flying with a live otter in the flight deck.


Question is: Does Tony have pictures of Natasha in a bikini? :D

Get the movie "Under the Skin." (2013) Scar-Jo is completely nude in that. You get to see every square inch of that luscious little body of hers.

But you're right, though. Really a very bad idea. But it looks quite epic, and I guess that's what they wanted.

Yeah, it does look quite epic. No argument there. One of the best scenes in any Avengers movie.


Thanks, but I'm not really in need of a naked Scarlett Johansson, we're talking about Hulk here. ;) And whether the character of Tony has some pictures of his colleague Natasha, which I'm still not sure about. ;)

I don’t care how hypothetical it is, I’m not flying with a live otter in the flight deck.


If that's what it took to slow down the Hulk, I'm sure she would submit some.


Well if you don't want a naked ScarJo, pass her this way!


Here's the rub: there was no calming him down in that situation.

He wasn't in normal Hulk-out mode, he was in fully-rampaging, mind-broken, Banner's-out-of-the-picture, blind-rage, Scarlet-Witch-nightmare mode.

The only option was a beat-down, which is what the Hulkbuster was designed to give.

And who knows, maybe the little sealed room that trapped him initially did try some of those options, and the Hulk chose to drill into the street as soon as the gas started filling the chamber.

If your theater is a space safe from ideas and opinions, you're doing theater wrong.


You might have a point there. On a different note, I found out why they called the Hulkbuster Veronica. It's a reference to the Archie comics. Betty and Veronica. Bruce Banner was in love with a woman named Betty. And Veronica is the opposite of that.


Yup. Little wink from Joss Whedon: if Banner is Archie and Betty is, well, Betty, what does it mean that Veronica is a giant suit of armor that can tear down buildings?

If your theater is a space safe from ideas and opinions, you're doing theater wrong.


On that note, if all they need is a huge, powerful rage monster to cause rampant destruction, why employ Hulk at all? Just have Tony Stark use Veronica and tell Hulk to take a flying leap.


First off, my compliments to you for acknowledging someone else's view on your topic. Too often people will get p!ssy when someone posts something contrary to the opinion.

Someone would have to control the Hulk-Buster suit. Tony could be in it, but that suit isn't always practical. He couldn't enter a normal sized building in it and it probably doesn't have the same speed/maneuverability capabilities as one of his normal suits.

Someone could control it remotely, but we've seen that isn't always practical either - IM3.

Also, the Hulk-Buster suit isn't designed to defeat Hulk. It is meant to slow him down long enough to find a way to stop him. Plus, while Hulk can't fly and doesn't have the weaponry of a IM suit, Hulk doesn't wear down. The suit could run out of power and weapons and Hulk would still be going strong.


First off, my compliments to you for acknowledging someone else's view on your topic. Too often people will get p!ssy when someone posts something contrary to the opinion.

Why open a discussion if you're not willing to acknowledge someone else's opinion? The entire point is to get other viewpoints. Thank you for that though.

Hulk doesn't wear down. The suit could run out of power and weapons and Hulk would still be going strong.

Yeah, I was thinking of that too. The Hulkbuster is fighting a losing battle against Hulk. Eventually Tony is going to run out of spare parts. There's just no way around that. Kudos for standing up to Hulk as long as he does though. Not many creatures can do that.


Why open a discussion if you're not willing to acknowledge someone else's opinion? The entire point is to get other viewpoints.

I get it. There are just a lot of people who won't consider any other point of view. They are convinced they are right because they are convinced they are right, and therefore everyone else is wrong.

Basically, they don't want a discussion. They just want to "preach" without anyone questioning their message.

Yeah, I was thinking of that too. The Hulkbuster is fighting a losing battle against Hulk. Eventually Tony is going to run out of spare parts.

In the comics IM beat Hulk once, but it took Tony channeling every last ounce of energy the suit had to knock Hulk out. After the hit, however, the suit was completely drained and immobilized.


It could be argued that doing anything whatsoever to combat Hulk is the wrong move. Order everyone to evacuate the area, do nothing to oppose him. He will calm down on his own eventually. Adding Hulkbuster to the mix ultimately just adds to the potential destruction and raises the possibility for human casualties.

I gotta say though, I admire Iron Man far more than any of the other Avengers. I'm going by the movies as I've never been much of a comic book fan. Tony Stark initially built the Iron Man suit so he could put his own ass on the line to protect people from the weapons that he himself built. That's a hero.


You aren't wrong about letting Hulk cool off. Unfortunately, in this case, that wouldn't have worked since he was under SW's mind control.

Tony & Steve are the two, "pure" hero's.


I'm not the biggest fan of the MCU's Tony Stark. I think he's a weak character (in both literal and figurative way). This movie definitely turned him into complete moron who seem to forget what the concept of common sense means.


a suit which will cause him pain and make him more angry

Why do you assume this was the purpose? Everything we see Tony do is either designed to contain Hulk or to simply withstand Hulk's rage to get into a position to contain him.

I'll grant you that Tony resorts to much offense, but with the Hulk you have to do something to take him off his feet or get close enough for any sort of sleep gas or something to work.

But honestly there are several references in that sequence that show that Banner and Stark both thought of this. "Don't mention puny Banner" etc.

Reading my signature constitutes admission that I am correct. (Too late)


Why do you assume this was the purpose?

Tony blasts Hulk with lasers. Hulk screams in response, like he's in pain. Tony says "Veronica, give me a hand" and an arm attaches which is designed solely to punch Hulk in the face over and over. Why shouldn't I assume the purpose was to cause Hulk pain and make him angry?

It was in a comic I read. Some guys blasted Hulk with some kind of light which made Hulk say "Light feel good!!!" and reverted back into Bruce Banner within minutes. That is how you take on Hulk!!!


That's not the purpose though. The things you mention certainly annoy Hulk but they're part of an overall plan to subdue him. Take him off balance etc.

For Pete's sake, the whole time Tony is punching Hulk in the face he's saying "go to sleep" over and over. That should give you a clue that the goal wasn't to make Hulk angry but to subdue him. He also has a line about "Right, don't mention puny Banner" which makes it pretty clear that he and Bruce had gone over all the "dos and don'ts" of trying to subdue Hulk.

I won't deny you that it's risky and that some approach that was purely about relaxing Hulk or something may be safer - but remember that Hulk is in a Scarlet Witch induced rage as well here and in a populated area. Tony needed to keep Hulk down as best he could.

Reading my signature constitutes admission that I am correct. (Too late)


Tony blasts Hulk with lasers.

Tony first tried to contain Hulk, but Hulk went under the street to escape the cell. Then, as Tony is trying to talk him down, Hulk gets enraged by Tony mentioning "Banner", at which point Hulk throws a car and then punches Tony through the car.

Tony says "Veronica, give me a hand"

This was after Hulk destroyed the arm.

an arm attaches which is designed solely to punch Hulk in the face over and over. Why shouldn't I assume the purpose was to cause Hulk pain and make him angry?

As the other poster said, Tony keeps saying, "Go to sleep." as he does it. He's not trying to cause "pain", he's trying to subdue Hulk. I know you can look at that as splitting hairs, but it is no different than in the first movie in which Thor and Hulk are going at it and Thor is telling Hulk that they are not his enemies.

It was in a comic I read. Some guys blasted Hulk with some kind of light which made Hulk say "Light feel good!!!" and reverted back into Bruce Banner within minutes. That is how you take on Hulk!!!

What was the light, who did it, how much did they have to shine on him, was Hulk under mind-control at the time, and was that information shared with Tony?
