The Twins

Just throwing out there my love for The Maximoffs in this film and in the comic books. I love Wanda (Scarlet Witch) and Pietro (Quicksilver). In Avengers Age of Ultron they were able to bring in some X-Men flavor to the team and I love the way their powers looked. I was sad when Quicksilver died, but it really helped Scarlet Witch's character arch. I wish we could have spent even more time with the characters, I was just so happy to see them both together for the first time on the big screen.

Even with the copyrights issues with Fox and Marvel..the back story can still be the same.
- Parents that died..The Maximoffs (adopted from Erick (Magneto) and Magda)

- Mutants - Loki's staff unlock powers within the two of them...they are mutants.

Introducing Vision at the end and building the relationship with him and Wanda in Civil War was awesome also..I love the two of them in the comics.


I still haven't seen it, but looking forward to it! I agree about their origins; Erik and Magda as their parents which came from the animated series! 

- - - - Sci-fi, Batman, & E:FC

- - - - Homage to DW & B7


Yes, their backstory could be they were adopted, that's true.

Except for them being mutants. That's not happening within the MCU. There are no mutants within the MCU, which would defeat Magneto being their father, unless they were to make him enhanced through some experiment or he finds out he is an Inhuman.

I don't really see them such that twist, so I don't think we'll find it they were adopted.

Feige has already said that Marvel has so many Avenger characters they can work with, that Xmen rights are not really an issue they care to fight over.

Still, I agree. I loved their characters and Marvel's take on how they acquired their powers. It was inventive since they couldn't be mutants.


I love Scarlet Witch too. It is good to meet another fan.


I don't. They're stupid. Scarlett Witch caused Stark to create Ultron, then she brain raped Hulk into attacking a city. Quicksilver was an arrogant ass who got what he deserved.


Nope. Arrogance does not equal death.

Seize the moment, 'cause tomorrow you might be dead.


I love Scarlet Witch though I did feel her backstory was a little weak; by that I mean the reason she hated Tony. My reason for hating Tony is much better.

1. BVS 2. TWS 3. Avengers
