MovieChat Forums > The Paradise (2013) Discussion > Anyone else notice this?

Anyone else notice this?

In S2, they often show the facade of Katherine and Tom Weston's home before their scenes in the house together.

Please tell me if I'm seeing this wrong - or is this a ridiculously bad example of filming a set piece? It looks to me as though they sometimes shoot it at such an angle, that they don't even care that it looks like a false facade.

If you go to the PBS site video, one good example is S2, Episode 7, at 1:12 (right at the beginning, though I've seen it other times and it always confuses me).

Is it just me, or is there obviously NO HOUSE attached to the flat front?


I'm catching up with this show (I DVR'd it Sept-Nov, saved it for this week) and this is more than obvious in episode 7. The different angles the camera shoots the house would suggest we see more than just the cardboard front of the house...we should see the sides and depth. Major blooper!

I prefer fantasy over reality TV - like Fox News. - B.Streisand


Thanks for confirming - I thought perhaps my eyes were faulty or something! I looked for other comments on this and couldn't find a thing, which surprised me. It's just sooooo bad, it's almost like they did it purposely as a joke. šŸ˜²

I really enjoyed this show (more than Mr. Selfridge, actually) but that always bugged me.


I really enjoyed this show (more than Mr. Selfridge, actually) but that always bugged me.

I prefer Mr SElfridge, but I did actually enjoy this show.

Teenage love affairs are about intensity, not longevity


I noticed too. It was very fake looking and not the least convincing.


I've noticed there is always someone working in the garden visible through the window or in the background when filming outside the "mansion." Perhaps it is a way of distracting the viewer from the flimsy set. The same happens at The Paradise - someone is always sweeping outside and dusting inside.


I just watched the frame you referenced and didn't notice anything wrong with it. What looked fake about it? I imagine that there are enough historic mansions around to avoid the need for a false mansion facade.


A bush on the left-hand side of the viewer appears to wrap around the frontage.

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Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room!"--Pres. Merkin Muffley


Just finished both seasons of this show. Liked it enough to keep watching.

I'm surprised that the faƧade of Glendenning's house is thought to be fake. That never occurred to me. What always did occur to me is that for being reputedly the richest person around, it seemed a mite smallish. Which also led to my wondering where and when the "around" setting is? I assumed not London since Glendenning pƩre did not seem to be that rich or have much of a title. So, some smallish town in the Midlands (sorry, I'm American) maybe?

And based on the episode with photography, sometime in the late 1850s to early '60s?

[I guess I was less concerned about whether the faƧade was a set or not because I knew it was just a cinematic shot to indicate to us, "Meanwhile, inside the Glendenning house, this happens...."]
