If I remember correctly, when Denise shows up in the first episode her uncle can't offer her a job or a place to stay permanently. She takes the job at the department store more or less out of necessity, because she needs a wage. Later on she does try to help her uncle (I imagine you saw those episodes eventually) and it doesn't work out. I don't agree totally with the way that whole arc was written but there's a huge amount of truth to how older, male shopkeepers (or anybody) would NOT listen to a young woman's ideas. One of Moray's positive character traits (as he's written) is that he loves Denise's ideas and progress in general. I know now we think of huge department stores in not such a great light because we know they've shut down local small businesses, but in the time frame of The Paradise, Moray actually has a lot more sense than the shopkeepers all keeping separate stores with no cooperation. I imagine, at the time, mass-produced clothing and cheaper fabric came as something of a blessing to working-class people, who couldn't afford bespoke clothing.