Good but Predictable

I enjoyed watching this film, definitely entertaining, but I guessed exactly what would happen far too easily, so it loses points for creativity but it makes up in it's presentation and method of storytelling.

Edit: The above was my initial impression, but today I feel I have to add a nod to the fact of there being no need to suspend disbelief or question anyone's principles at any time, which in a film such as this is a big accomplishment. So the simplicity in the design I initially criticised I feel was kind of a necessity after all.

Though I would have enjoyed it going completely off the rails into absolute insanity, it would have been shock value and it would have detracted from the overall storyline. 8/10


I agree. This film was a very pleasant surprise but the ending inparticular could be seen a mile off. I could have guessed the most likely way it would conclude after reading the synopsis.

I believe that it would have been far more satisfying had the writers conceived a more original manner to tie things up. That doesn't mean originality for originality's sake. But rather something that wasn't so incredibly obvious.

That said, it was still an entertaining hour and a half. Hats off to those involved.


I think it was well executed but like you, I knew exactly where it was heading.

Enjoyed the slight twist at the end though.

Also, if you are feeling queasy in any way, watch this movie when you're not.


Yeah, I hate how these kinda movies always accumulate to the two players left standing having to kill each other to win, still a satisfying movie, but I'm starting to get pretty sick of this kind've ending.


The problem is e whole thing is kind of predictable. As soon as the dog was taken into their house you knew it was gonna end up dead, and with the movie having the plot it does you know it'll be served on a plate for money. Same with the chopped off pinky finger. Same with her wanting sex, same with one killing the other,etc.

It's not a terrible movie by any means,but when you know what's gonna happen and they get there as slowly and cheaply (production wise) as possible, some of the fun behind it is lost...

"What? Do you wanna just sit around and be wrong?" - Liz Lemon
