MovieChat Forums > Cheap Thrills (2014) Discussion > Plot hole....(spoilers!!!! !!!!!!)

Plot hole....(spoilers!!!! !!!!!!)

For the record, i liked the was good....but I found one flaw that prevented it from being great.....

It was made clear to Craig and Vince rather early that there was $250K available to be "won".

...yet by the time fingers were being chopped off.....only approx. $20K had been earned (that's less than 10% of the total stakes). other words, body parts were being lost, yet there was still $230K up for grabs.

It should have dawned on one (and probably both of them) that the stakes were going to have to get ridiculously high if $250k was really on the line.

I was thoroughly entertained.....but as soon I saw the trailer, I knew just how far the "dares" were going to go.......and it was kinda disappointing that the characters never figured it out when it was so obvious.

It's a "b-movie"......I get not to over-analyze.....but I just wish that at some point one of them said:

"hey, wait a second, what exactly will we have to do to win hundreds of thousands of dollars if chopping off a finger is only worth $15?"


One annoying thing about the IMDB forums is how people constantly misuse the term "plot hole". It happens in every single movie forum on IMDB -- someone thinks he's being observant and smart but really doesn't know what's going on.

What you just described is not a plot hole. Look up the definition of that term, please.

Also, take into account these two guys were completely hammered on both alcohol and drugs.


a) so?
b) so?

"laugh and the world laughs with you. Weep and you weep alone." - Dae-su Oh


Alright, well... next time you're about 6 shots of tequila in, with several nosefuls of coke and you're in the situation the two of them are put in? Tell me how overanalytical you're going to be, when $250k is put in front of you. ESPECIALLY since these people obviously had a ton more money where that came from, so even if you *think* that the ending is obvious, there was always the possibility of them whipping out a few hundred thou more to keep escalating the game. The couple was obviously FIRMLY in control of the situation.


worked out fine for me the last couple of times. i will think of you the next time though and keep you in the loop.

apart from that i am amused how serious you seem to take this sorry excuse of a film.

"laugh and the world laughs with you. Weep and you weep alone." - Dae-su Oh


Again with the arrogance. I apologize. I came into this movie's "discussion" board for a serious discussion. If you don't care to have one, then please just move along and go throw your smug comments at someone else.
