Animal cruelty depicted? how graphic?
I saw the trailer and it showed a very short shot of what looked like someone preparing to cut off a dog's head.
I don't want to start a debate over animal cruelty vs whatever in fiction films, but I just want to know if it does indeed go in that direction. And if so, how graphic is it?
A suppose another question should be how graphic is any of the violence? I believe the trailer and poster shows a man missing his finger... that could be pretty graphic if fully depicted.
As a horror fan, I've seen my fair share of graphic extreme violence, but I do prefer the hinted at violence over the full shot of a head being slowly sawed off. So if this film is all about the painful slow graphic violence shots, I think I may pass.
Please don't go on to spoil the film, as this is a question that would most interest those that have not seen the film. Just please indicate if this is as graphic or more so than something like Hostel/Hobo with a shotgun/SAW sequels/Evil Dead Remake, and if a dog dies on screen or if its mutilated body is shown.