MovieChat Forums > Cheap Thrills (2014) Discussion > Couple must have been confident to not g...

Couple must have been confident to not go to jail (spoiler)

The logical side of me kicked in once the gunshots were fired. The rich couple must have been pretty confident about covering up a murder, especially one as messy as that. People saw the 4 of them leave the bar that night and the little girl next door saw the character that was killed, and the neighbors house seemed to be close enough to hear the shots. It was the night their dog disappeared as well.
It's not made clear, but I got the impression that this was just another night of typical activity for this couple. Couldn't get away with many murders like that before la policia would catch up to them. Jail would be a drastic switch to their lifestyle!


They didn't murder anyone.

There are two kinds of people in the world, those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig.


no, but they'd be doing quite a bit of time for covering it up and if the truth ever came out how the entire night went down


His wife snitched on him based on her reaction. it's very obvious and I'm sure everyone got their just desserts. Eventually sick people like that do get what's coming to them.


Where did you get that idea?


I should reiterate. I'm just taking this too realistically and I apologize in advance.

The nerdy hipster guys wife, not the blonde lady.

Throughout the whole movie she kept nagging as to where he was then he keeps ignoring her calls. At the end, she gives them him that disgusted look when he finally gets home all injured.

The money case probably had that guys fingerprints on it. It really isn't that hard for them to caught especially in the manner everything went by. Eventually they will get an ID as to who they are in the least.


They're too rich to go to prison. Affluenza. It's a real thing.
The guy though, he would surely go.

False: all conservatives are stupid people;
True: most stupid people are conservative


There is no such thing as too rich to go to prison. I'm just saying sooner or later people pay for their actions and it catches up to them when they least expect it.

I thought the movie was alright. Just kinda unrealistic and too homoerotic for it's target audience. I don't mind but I can see that being a turn off to some people.


Yes, there is. Since you are too lazy to look yourself, here, click this link:

False: all conservatives are stupid people;
True: most stupid people are conservative


They pretty much got all activities on camera without themselves on it. Leak that and it's clear who was the killer.


It would also be very clear the couple was involved!


Yeah realistically they were done, no way a guy goes missing with all those witnesses turns up dead and nobody connects who did it.
But im willing to suspend my disbelief in this case.
