She wanted to...

…bang the guy on the floor after he pooped without wiping.


That bit aside, this movie was just as dumb & pointless as I'd expected it to be and why I wasn't going to bother ever seeing it…until there was nothing else even remotely watchable available and I thought I'd check it out and see if I were wrong about it.

But I'm almost never wrong.


I found out about the movie on a homosexual fetish forum and people can post their own videos like youtube. I am gay myself. There was a deleted scene to where he dared the guys to piss themselves and I wanted to see the full movie so I saw and trailer and it seemed kinda good. I like thrillers, so I bought it. I thought being that I first saw a clip of the movie, rather a deleted scene on a fetish website, it Kinda sums up the plot.

Very homoerotic. Like a scary gay version of the hangover. Very sick and gross and lots of plot holes that don't make sense. Why didn't they just go on EBT or get rent assistance?

They didn't look like white trash white people, they seemed kinda artsy and well balanced, so why couldn't they pay their rent? So confusing and unrealistic.


You're an idiot.


How the hell was this homoerotic?


You're an idiot.


I very well could be. That doesn't mean this is a very lackluster movie which isn't realistic in the least bit, even for independent standars.
