MovieChat Forums > Cheap Thrills (2014) Discussion > Which did you prefer: Cheap Thrills or 1...

Which did you prefer: Cheap Thrills or 13 Sins?

Really liked both of them, it's really a toss up to me.

Aaaagh it burns! Tastes like aspirin!


Same for me, but filmwise I would go for '13 Sins' 'cause it's a bit more adventurous. This one stays in a limited amount of places. '13 Sins' goes from A to Z.

"Some motherfvckers are always tryin' to ice-skate uphill."


This by far. 13 was cliche compared to this. It's almost a twist that they didn't try to go for a twist in the end with the money being counterfeit or some kind of disastrous end for Craig like the wife being in on the game or the police nusting in right after he killed Vince.

He committed to what he felt he had to do and carried through. Bravo for that.

"Clever people will recognize and tolerate nothing but cleverness."


I loved both of them. But I really enjoyed Pat Healy's portrayal of Craig in this.


My pick - Cheap Thrills for... realistic approach. I can really see such two weirdos (the rich couple) existing somewhere out there.

13 Sins although entertaining went for the Saw'esque-conspiracy trope.


On a lazy rainy Sunday morning I watched 13 sins. By sheer coincidence I watched Cheap
Thrills that night because I has just seen David Koechner on @midnight and wanted to see a movie of his. I liked them both, but I definitely prefer Cheap Thrills.

While it was on a smaller scale, that made it a lot more realistic. 13 Sins required a much greater suspension of disbelief, which is fine, but failed to execute it in a way that made you think there was some plausibility to it all.

13 Sins had a Regis Philbin voice on the phone, while this had the likable Dave Koechner character.

For whatever reason, I felt the man's desperation in Cheap Thrills more. I think it's because he was motivated solely by love/survival of his loved ones, while in 13 Sins the majority of the time the man HAS to keep upping the ante because he's going to prison if he doesn't.

I didn't buy the character evolution as much in 13 Sins either. In Cheap Thrills, he does one "evil" thing and kills Embry. However, in that case this was a guy who has shown he'll do the same in a heartbeat, so it's more about self-preservation than the evil done for profit from 13 Sins.


Cheap Thrills for sure. Watched both the same day. 13 Sins was first and led me to this movie.

Regardless, Cheap Thrills felt WAY more realistic. The whole notion of someone being able to see you at ANY moment, etc. and perfectly plan out everything is unrealistic.

I actually believe something like Cheap Thrills could or already happened.


Cheap thrills got too gross for me. I kind of regret finishing it but whatever. I should not have asked to watch it with my husband. 13 sins was more enjoyable.
